Es Muss Sein – Es Muss Sein EP | Music Review

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Es Muss Sein. Remember the name. It means “it must be in German” and is the nom de guerre of Poppy Wilson, a beautifully soulful little singer-song writer from ever-so-cool Kent.

This, her debut EP, deals in contrasting shades – light and dark, loud and quiet and a sadness that isn’t without hope. In fact it’s the hope she wants you to remember. Nobody does though do they? The music is built around her soulful voice and often minimalist approach to guitar playing. It’s beautiful. It’s genius. Think early Cat Power or the long lost child of Elliott Smith. Go and listen. In years to come you’ll be able to tell your friends that you heard her first.


Ess Muss Sein EP is released on 1st May 2012

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