Londoner’s Life – Overheard 42 by Phil Ryan

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Well autumn is here and it’s probably my last few chances to sit outside and get material. You do see the last few hardy souls bundled up and scarved as they sip there cappuccinos. However this week’s outside offering comes from what I’m hoping will be a new rich source. The Farmers market! So there’s three overheard’s for you this week. Hopefully I’m off to some Museums next week so can hover more and get more in depth stuff. So anyway Farmers Market time!
By the tea van – Yummy Mummy to Fashionista friend: Yummy Mummy: Oscar can’t tolerate gluten at all. Now he’s 12 he’s very sensitive just like his older sister. As a family I think it’s important we educate them both to only eat the right foods that suit them. Fashionista: Oh how sad so he’s allergic is he? Yummy Mummy: Oh no he’s just very particular about what he wants. He’s mad on chorizo sausage and cous cous this week. He won’t eat anything else. Fashionista: Ah so where does he get his Vitamin C from then? Yummy Mummy: Boots.
Whilst browsing a fruit stall – (My favourite) Market trader by van to assistant. Market Trader: It’ll get busier just before lunchtime so just get the bags where you can grab them right? Assistant: Yeah okay so like I said it’s a pound a bowl but 2.50 for three that’s our deal yeah. Market trader: yeah. Assistant: What if they only want two bowls. Market trader: Tell them they’re taking the piss.
There was a demonstration by a guy selling a chopping gadget for the kitchen. At the back where I was were two teenagers seemingly fascinated by the salesman’s patter.
Teenager 1: God look how thin he’s getting those carrots that’s awesome. D’you reckon my mum would like one then: Teenager 2: What for her birthday present: Teenager 1: Hm. I can’t think of anything to get her. Teenagers 2: What’s your Dad got her then? Teenager 1: Uh he’s got her an airbed er some perfume and some candles. Teenager 2: What’s he got her all that for? Teenager 1: Yoga stuff she’s mad for it. She’s a Buddhist now. Teenager 2: So how d’you reckon the kitchen wizard is going to fit into that then? Teenager 1: Doesn’t Buddhism involve vegetables in some way?
I had a really entertaining time and I got some nice food at a good price. But I leave you with an in passing phone conversation. Very trendy looking middle aged man “Of course I love you you stupid fat bitch. Have you got shit for brains?”
Ah love is a many splendoured thing!