5 Study Techniques for Teens Preparing for the SAT’s

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Taking the SAT’s is a big deal. A good score can help you get into a good school. It can also help you qualify for great scholarships and grants. Before you take the SAT’s, it’s a good idea to study, so that you’re prepared.

Study Early – Don’t Crunch

Study Techniques for Teens

Study Techniques for Teens


Image via Flickr by MC Quinn

One of the worst things you can do for any test is to crunch. If you stay up late the night before the test, trying to cram everything in your mind, you won’t remember anything when you go to take the test. Instead, start studying long before the test is scheduled. Study a few things at a time, for the best results.

Consider a Test Prep Program

SAT Prep programs are a great way to study. They help you prepare for exactly what will be on the test. They also put you together with other people who are studying. Working with a study group can help you retain the information that you’re studying. Whether you’re studying with a group online or in person, it’s a great way to make sure you go over exactly what you need.

Take the Practice Tests

If you feel like you’ve studied enough, go ahead and test yourself. Taking a practice test will show you whether or not you’re ready to actually take the official test. If you bomb the practice test, you may want to go back to studying. However, if you ace the practice test, go ahead and schedule the official. The practice tests are a decent gauge of how well you’ll do. The practice tests also help you understand the layout of the test, which can help you when you do get to the official test.

Get Rest

Preparing for the SAT's

Teens Preparing for the SAT’s


Image via Flickr by Chris March

One thing that a lot of people forget when they’re getting ready for a big test is that they need to get rest. Your brain needs this rest to be able to remember the information you’re feeding it. If you’re staying up late every night studying, then getting up early every morning for class, you’re probably not retaining as much information as you’d like. Getting a good night’s sleep each night can help you keep up with what you study.

Try Different Study Types

Don’t get stuck in one study type if it’s not working for you. Some people do well with reading and retaining information. Other people need to write things down to remember them. Still others do best when they hear information. Try out a variety of ways to go through the information you’re studying. Flash cards for vocabulary are great, because they incorporate a variety of learning styles. You can write down the words and definitions, read them on the cards, and read them off with others, allowing you to hear them.

Studying for the SAT’s can be stressful. Make sure that you give yourself the time you need. In addition, when you study the things that you know will be on the test, you are saving yourself time and energy. Though studying can be difficult, it doesn’t have to be horrible.