Interview with Linda Barker

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I had the real pleasure of interviewing the incredible and talented Linda Barker recently and she’s ones cool cookie. Fit as a fiddle and has real energy flooding from her. She told me a few of her secrets about how she says so young looking and vibrant. Here is our brilliant interview with the goddess herself!

1. If you could give your younger self any beauty advice what would it have been and why?
Relax it’s all going to be fine. Don’t beat yourself up about small insecurities. This is because looking and feeling good mostly comes from the inside and so being healthy and looking after yourself and not putting too much pressure on yourself is the best way to stay naturally beautiful.

2. I understand you love to work out but what form of exercise do you think is best for women to keep in great shape?
I love cycling and come rain or shine, summer or winter, I love to get on my bike. I cycle wherever I can – into town for a meeting, to the gym, or around the park with my family which is a good chance for us all to catch up with each other whilst getting some exercise. It’s sometimes hard to find the motivation to start up a new fitness regime. I prefer to think of exercise as something you need to incorporate easily into your life, as if it’s too difficult or too much of an effort you wont end up doing it!

3. Who do you regard as the most beautiful woman in history and why?
Liz Taylor, was stunning and very classically beautiful.

4. If you could have had a chat with anyone about their beauty, fashion and style who would it be. Anyone at all, it can be past or present. The type of person you would really want to pick their brains about all their little secrets?
Kate Moss, she is the epitome of style and cool and I always love the way she looks

5. With an enviable figure you could pull of anything but are you going to avoid any fashion trends this season or are you a vivacious give it a go girl!!??
No, I love fashion and love to be able to try out new trends. I am very excited to see Kate Moss’ new collection for Topshop as I love her style.

6. If you could have lived in a past era what would it be and why. It could be you love the fashion or the style of living and decor.
At the palace of Versallie in the court at the time of Marie Antoinette. The architecture and fashions were incredible.

linda barker

7. What do you think are the key healthy ingredients to glowing skin and vitality. I love juicing and think raw spinach is amazing for healthy skin but I want to know your secret ingredient!??
I take a daily health supplement drink called Revive Active, which I heard about through some friends of mine who had tried the product after suffering from a long period of illness and they were absolutely sold on the product. They said they felt healthier, younger and fitter than they had in years all from taking this health supplement once a day. They gave me a month’s supply to try and I was absolutely floored by the results. I started taking it in the winter when I usually have the odd sniffle or two, but I was completely healthy all winter while everyone else suffered around me. I’m 52 years old and I have really have noticed how my body has slowed down over the past couple of decades, but since taking Revive Active my energy levels have been through the roof and I almost feel as fit as I have ever been! It is all part of the healthy lifestyle that I lead – eating right and exercising daily, but I feel in the best shape I have ever been.

8. You are an avid runner and a massive inspiration, how do you keep motivated when you are so busy?!
At the beginning of my week, I make a pledge to myself about how I am going to fit exercise into my schedule, even during busy days, and this really helps me to stick to it. I love yoga and find that it is extremely relaxing and definitely helps me to relax when things are getting busy. I try and do yoga two to there times a week but if I can’t get find the time to get to a class, I will try and do some at home. In the summer, I’ll lace up my trainers and go for a run in my local park, or I’ll spend half an hour doing some sit up and squats in my living room! Anything goes really, just so long as I do something!

9. What is your biggest indulgence, from food to fashion and do you have one designers style that you always love.
Shopping! I love to go on a spree. Shopping for clothes, jewellery, healthy food and antiques – I love it all!

10. What is your signature dish, one that makes you feel wonderful every time you cook it. One that you know everyone loves.
I absolutely love Ottelenghi recipes – they use such fresh ingredients and it is very healthy. I also love anything made with quinoa, which is a very high protein grain and is really delicious

11. Where in the world is your favourite place to visit or the most amazing place you have been to that you would recommend everyone to visit at least once in their lifetime.
Bali was incredible, it was where I first went scuba diving and was very naturally beautiful.

12. Name one thing this year that you want to achieve. A goal that you personally want to aim for and accomplish.
I am hoping to do a coast to coast cycle with some friends, and I’m really enjoying planning it at the moment

13. Lastly, what do you do in your time off, to unwind and relax.
My schedule is busy and so I’m often not able to set aside time for a holiday. If I don’t go away, I still make sure that I set aside time to relax and chill out – maybe a weekend away by the sea, or meeting up with friends and family for a picnic or a barbeque. Summer goes by so quickly and so I’m definitely going to make the most of it!
Now ladies we all chat about looking fantastic and purchasing the latest wonder foundation to give you that youthful glow, but I truly believe its whats happening on the inside that is the important thing. With all the stress and strains of modern day living I think we all need a little TLC so after chatting to Linda (who looks incredible for 52 I have to say, she looks almost 20 years younger!) its apparent we need to take a leaf out of her book and look within ourselves, not just learning to keep it real and don’t sweat the small stuff but to really make an effort to do the best we can for our bodies, minds and most of all ladies give our complexions a helping hand. Linda swears by Revive Active helping support her wildly active lifestyle and they are proud to announce the launch of their Feeling Fabulous campaign. Look good and feel good no matter what. Since Linda started to take Revive her energy levels have soured through the roof. When you have more energy you are able to cope better and more importantly it helps you keep active and in turn keeps vitality to an optimum high. Revive Active has been developed by doctors and scientists so its an amazing professional product. All the 26 ingredients are designed to work in conjunction with one another so they will create outstanding results.

I’m off to purchase my first months supply pronto! Linda looks so incredible, she’s witty, fun and a truly stunning lady! I want to thank her so much for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer all the questions!


Feeling Fabulous with Revive Active and Linda Barker. Revive Active costs 14.95 for a week’s supply or £59.95 for a month’s supply. Available from and all good health food stores.

Follow Linda on Twitter @ReallyLinda visit her website for all your home needs too!

Pop me a little Tweet @sarahbacchus if you are loving this lady as much as me!