The Secret to Perfect Skin

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Image 20-05-2014 at 17.55Ladies do you want the secret to perfecting the youthful glow you always wanted. The anti ageing secrets that no one lets on about and keeps to themselves, well I am going to share with you my all time little secret and thats to add oil to my foundation. Not just any old oil you need a dry oil just like Oil Arganic.

This oil is perfect as it contains 8 skin nourishing ingredients like Argan oil, sweet almond oil and its 100% natural, organic and dries instantly. It is perfect for skin hydration and it can be used all over the body, its even fantastic for nails, hair and dropping into the bath for a sumptuous soak.

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By adding this to your favourite long lasting foundation it will give you a healthy dewy glow, a really moisturised and hydrated boost, but most of all you will look fresher and the fine lines will be less noticeable, that they will almost disappear. I get asked about my beauty tricks nearly every day. Everyone is amazed at my real age and want to know all my little secrets! Well here is the best oil I have discovered recently after being sent a bottle of this to try for a pre tan boost. Whenever I try a new body oil that can be used on the face, one of the first things I do is dash off to get my foundation and plop a few drops on the back of my hand along with the regular amount of foundation. Grab a foundation brush and massage it into my skin. Some work, some don’t and boy does this baby do a brilliant job!


It blends seamlessly and dries with the foundation so perfectly its just a little gem. I have to say it work so well with most foundations I own too. Even the oil based ones and thats due to the ingredients and it being dry oil.

The properties of this oil:


Rich in antioxidants
Prolongs Tan
Ensures perfect fade to your tan
Contains Argan Oil
No oily residue
Citrus Fragrance
Oil Arganic, recently voted “Best Tan Preparation” by the Sunday Independent panel review. With its delicate rose and orange scent its refreshing and will create a subtle glow if used on its own. With regular use it can also give improved overall appearance to scars and stretch marks.

Purchase the Oil Arganic here for only £24.99

To follow my daily tweets I am @sarahbacchus and my photographic website is along with my little blog gosh thats a lot! Do come and say hello and ask me any anti ageing questions you like.