For the boys is a group exclusively for men, where, through Martial arts, they find support and understanding. by Natalie Jayne Peeke

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For the boys is a new group that started last month throughout Somerset. It is a group exclusively for Men where through the help of Martial arts they can find support and understanding. Here is what the incredible Craig Bissett had to say:

Why did you start your group?

For The Boys was started by Jack Insall and James Hilton, this group was started to help Men with support for everyday problems and mental struggles. Jack and James originally set it up as they had both been through bad times and wanted other men to know that they weren’t alone and there are other people there willing to help and talk.

B-Elite, I started B-Elite coming up to 5 years ago. B-Elite Martial Arts was originally set up as just a training group but over the years we have become a Family. With nearly 180 students from as young as 3 years of age through to some of our older students. Now over the last two years I started developing a Fitness programme that I found was helping people through not just a physical benefit but was also changing their mindset to one that was a lot more positive. This got me thinking… Plus for the last two years I have been working and helping teenagers with Autism, mental and physical disabilities too. Last year I also was asked to work with four young ladies going through school and college suffering with mental difficulties and some were even self harming. All four of these young ladies  are now smashing life…

So when I was asked to join For The Boys, I was blown away as I  could relate to some of the problems shared and I knew with what I do, I could definitely help give people a focus or aim in life and also help set their minds in a more positive way to help tackle their problems in a better way. Men find it hard telling people they need help and this group is there to say you’re not alone and we want to help…

 Where are you based?

B-Elite is based in Chilton Polden, just outside  Bridgwater. But I also teach in Bridgwater, Highbridge/Burnham and WSM. The main gym in Chilton Polden is fully kitted out for training and is a place where less confident students can train and feel comfortableThe Bridgwater gym is based at Trident and is  a fully equipped Gym and Martial Arts training area.

 What services do you offer? And When?

For the Boys offers a range of support and help pretty much around the clock. The group itself is based on most social networks and there are people on there sharing their stories, which I think you will understand is a big thing for them. People who are struggling can then talk to others who have dealt with similar problems or just want to be there to listen.

B-Elite, What B-Elite offer is a way to take your mind off your problems and worries through physical activities. Whether that’s Fitness or Martial Arts, in a group or on your own. Fitness helps create a more positive mindset and then you can tackle problem head on with a better outlook at them. With the Martial Arts side of training this helps build not only a stronger physical presence but also mental strength and self belief, with people seeing and feeling the results after just one lesson. Science behind Martial Arts, challenging the brain on a daily basis makes us more mentally strong. Hitting pads and bags actually releases chemicals in the body like Adrenaline and Endorphins which gives the body a natural high and we feel great from it. Classes and One2One Personal training run 7 days a week.

 How can Men get in touch?

There are a number of ways to get in touch or join…For The Boys Mental Health Talk Group is on all Social Media from Facebook to Twitter…TikTok to Instagram. Just search for them…

You can contact B-Elite on a number of different formats as follows…

Facebook Search B-Elite or Craig Bissett

Mobile – 07496569122

Website = (Currently being updated)

And also we are on Twitter, Instagram and you can email me on

 Do you feel men’s mental health isn’t talked about?

Yeah, I do. I think the whole stereotypical thing of ‘he is a man’ or ‘men are meant to be strong’ is silly. Men have huge pressures in life and suffer with a lot more than is lead to believe. From family worries, making sure they provide for their families. Having to ensure financial income, protection of family and much more. The problem we are seeing is that bloke aren’t actually dealing with these everyday problems well and turning to things that then put all of the above low in their priorities. We then see Men turning to addictions like Gambling, Drinking and even Drug abuse or in the worse cases Self Harm. We have a number of guys we are working with that are also suffering with Social and Domestic abuse and even abuse and bullying at work. There are lots of different problems that need addressing but in so many different ways.

 What are the names of the men on your team  and why did you ask them to join you?

For The boys Team

Jack Insall  James Hitlon   Lewis Pople Sam Mularczyk


Myself, Craig Bissett  Lewis Pople and Sam Mularczyk are now also part of my team.

Helping provide solutions to all the above. Lewis and Sam were both suffering with their own problems and I decided they both needed a focus and aim in life so they are now training to be Coaches and Instructors, helping not only men but women butall the students I talked about earlier. They won’t only be helping with Fitness and Martial Arts teaching but I will be training them up in Wellbeing and Mental support.


What has the public reaction been like?

It has been AMAZING, as well as being covered by BBC Somerset and we are constantly getting people joining both ‘For The Boys’ and B-Elite groups. I have people contacting me on a daily basis asking for me to help them with their problems through fitness and talking. We often hear about the positive impact our hard work is having.

 Are you planning fundraisers/ future events?

We have already started planning the next Men’s Mental Health Event and also been asked by a number of people and groups to consider a Ladies and Kids event too. Which I am now also planning and I have contacted some sport icons and even a sports icon/movie star. SO very excited about these….The BBC once again have offered to cover these great stories.

 What role does fitness have on one’s mental health?

I never claim to be any expert in this field, I just know through self experience and the change to positive mental attitudes that Exercise and Fitness, pushing yourself and getting to unload in a safe and friendly environment is key to helping a lot of people. I talked a little earlier behind some of the science of fitness and martial arts and mentioned the proven fact that this definitely helps with focus and puts you in a better place to deal with problems and challenges with a greater outcome.