28 Days to Find your Bliss – in conversation with Alex Bannard by Annie Clarke

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Frost Magazine is invested in promoting every possible way to help everyone through lockdown, but not just lockdown, for we encourage ways and means to good health on all its levels – all the time.

So, Alex, let us know about yourself and the help you can provide to our readers:

I am a yoga teacher & a mindfulness coach & I have been sharing my passion for both of these practices for several years & been blessed to be able to do so all over the world, which is why I am so happy to be writing this for Frost Magazine, and  even happier to be writing  a mindfulness series for Frost readers in the near future.

So why are you so committed to yoga and mindfulness, Alex?

I believe whole-heartedly in the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual benefits these practices create because, well they have changed my life. Catch me on a melodramatic day & I’ll happily announce ‘They saved my life!’ always one to relish  theatrics.

I have used both practices to help me navigate the choppy waters of: mental illness (breakdowns, hospitalization, more breakdowns & eventually utter rock-bottom to precipitate the spiritual awakening that was the breakthrough – hurrah at last!); divorce (toxic nasty business, is there any other kind?); menopause (ghastly business, horribly similar to mental illness or such was my experience with the added extra of a hefty dose of anxiety & panic attacks…all very ‘normal’ apparently, who knew?); and then  lockdown & global pandemics. But combined with daily practices of gratitude & nature, I have found mindfulness & yoga are the cornerstones of my wellness & wellbeing.

So self-care, Alex? Tell us more.

I am a huge believer in the many benefits of self-care because I was so bad at practicing it myself, and consequently  my mental health took a battering. Self-care is the care we take of ourselves to nurture & nourish our physical, mental & emotional wellbeing, our mind, body & spirit. I believe that it is not a luxury but a necessity. I also believe that it’s not all chocolates in the bath & massages. Or self-indulgent, time consuming or expensive. But more of that later.

Self-care has a number of benefits. It builds resilience, our ability to bounce back from adversity because when we have taken time to look after our self. we are less likely to be floored by normal daily setbacks. It improves our sleep & our relationships because  our energy isn’t always going out, some of it is coming back inwards. It becomes clear that attending to our own needs  gives us more energy & time for others. Think of it like this: you can’t pour from an empty jug.

Self-care is an act of self-love, it reaffirms our sense of self, building our self-esteem, a sense of ‘I deserve’ this simply because we have taken the time to invest in ourselves. Our self-awareness improves as we become better at identifying stressors & what we can do to limit or offset them. Of course this all has a knock on effect making for a happier & healthier outlook.

But establishing a daily practice of self-care is not as common as you would belief with almost three quarters of adults not practicing any self-care rituals. The common excuses include lack of time & energy, guilt & finances.

Time & energy I get but what I have found by slowing down & investing in myself for a few short minutes every day, is that I am more productive & efficient,  & fulfilled. Self-care doesn’t have to be time consuming…surely we are all worth ½ hour of each day just for us, to nurture, nourish, rest & replenish ourselves?

Guilt – why would we feel guilty for taking care of ourselves? Surely we care enough about our self, not in a narcissistic, self-absorbed fashion, to spend a few minutes on our self everyday? I also believe that when we model self-care to our family, not only do they learn to respect those few moments we devote to our own wellbeing but they start to practice it themselves…what a gift to give to our nearest & dearest.

Finances – well yes, but as I’ve said before it doesn’t have to be expensive. And the longer term cost of not practicing self-care financially, emotionally, mentally…well I have experienced them first hand. My mental illness was the direct result of not making myself a priority in my own life. If you’re not a priority in your own life, how can you be a priority in anyone else’s?

So, from working with yourself, how did you move on to helping us?

It was with this idea of how can I help my tribe establish their own self-care practices & because I know how much I (& my family indirectly) have benefited from my own self-care practices that I set up my ‘couch to …’ programmes. So, think of  a more nourishing & nurturing version of my ‘couch to 5k’ and you come up with ‘couch to yoga mat or meditation cushion’.   These programmes are aimed at anyone who has heard about all the wonderful benefits of yoga & meditation: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual but just don’t  know where to start. These programs guide you from the basics, establishing a good solid foundation in your practice so that you have the skills & confidence to go to any class online (or in person) & to cultivate your own regular, daily even, practice in yoga or meditation in the comfort of your own home, which is ideal in lockdown.

You can also join this programme if you have done some yoga or meditated a bit, this programme will help you fine-tune, finesse your practice & guide you towards establishing a a regular meditation or yoga ritual of self-care.

Alex, that’s all we have time for but next week, tell us more about these courses, and we look forward to your mindfulness series starting in  Frost Magazine  in February.

Alex is based on the edge of the stunning Cotswolds & has been sharing her love for all things yoga & mindfulness for the last 8 years, not just in the UK but also in Thailand & Germany. Her mission is to help everyone discover their bliss within & to encourage them to embrace self-care.

Alex tells us that if you would like more information message her at alex@myananda.co.uk.

For free resources check out her Facebook group: Mindfulness & Yoga for Self-Care, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MindfulnessYoga4Relationships

Alternatively check out the website: www.myananda.co.uk

Alex will return on Monday 1st February.