And the little one said by Elizabeth Coffey – reviewed by Natalie Jayne Peeke West Country Correspondent

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Elizabeth Coffey once had seven brothers and sisters, but today only she and one brother remain. Thanks to ‘an insane series of cruel blows’ variously involving illness, accidents, mental health mismanagement and suicide, not one of her other siblings made it past their sixties. And yet through it all, the love, life and laughter have shone bright; sometimes, it has seemed, even from beyond the grave. This is Elizabeth’s funny, shocking, tragic, heart-rending story. She says: “It struck me, at an early age, being the ‘little one’ of the family, that there was a high probability my dearly loved brothers and sisters were going to die before me. I didn’t expect it to happen quite so soon, and quite so tragically.

When I was contacted and asked if I would like to read “And The Little One Said” I was a bit hesitant – i am not good with sad stories.  However after reading the rave reviews that are attached to this story I knew that I simply had to read it. I was prepared to feel a  sad throughout this book but boy was I wrong.

And The Little One Said is a incredible emotional rollercoaster, I cried, yes but I also laughed and I was moved by the honesty and love alongside the heartache and tragedy.

I found myself asking how much could one family bear? Quite frankly, if it was fiction it would surely be implausible. The fact is, And The Little One Said is true and is believable, such is Elizabeth’s writing. And   such a clever title – which is indeed a reflection of Elizabeth’s life.

Elizabeth is a incredible writer, I was hooked from the word go and I became so absorbed in her life that I struggled to put the book down.

I cannot praise Elizabeth Coffey, And The Little One Said, enough. I highly recommend that you pick up a copy and trust me, have tissues at the ready.

And the Little One Said by Elizabeth Coffey is available here