Sherlock Holmes & Count Dracula – The classified Dossier – by Christian Klaver

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A supernatural myster to shiver the timbers. Sherlock Holmes and Count Dracula must join forces to banish a terrifying enemy.

This is a  robust novel from the Sherlockian author Christian Klaver – the final instalment of The Classisfied Dossier where we see Sherlock and Watson battle the villains of Gothic literature, and terrifying they are too. They include Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde and Dorian Gray all wrapped up in a classy hardback edition ripe for the Christmas season.

Sherlock is dead. His body lies in a solitary grave on the Sussex Downs but Dr Watson survives and is now given permission to release tales in Sherlock’s classified dossier. These are cases that are of the most outre and grotesque nature.

Count Dracula arrives in Baker Street….

Nope, that’s enough. Buy this for Christmas for someone, but read it first. Good page turning stuff. Sleep with the light on.

Sherlock Holmes & Couynt Dracula by Christian Klaver