Alex Bannard, Frost’s Wellbeing and Wellness Editor, tells us of her meno journey

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I am a yoga teacher & a mindfulness coach, a single mum to 2 beautiful kids, I run my own business and I am navigating myself through the menopause. Believe me, there have been times when I would have preferred to walk Hadrian’s Wall in bare feet. 

But it is a journey which might help others as they navigate their own, so, let us begin at  the beginning: 10 year’s ago, I was diagnosed with severe agitated depression, a diagnosis arrived at, or so I believe, because my youngest daughter was just a baby, we were living in Germany and around the same time, to top it all off, I underwent major lung surgery. Knowing what I know now, I believe this may have been the peri-menopause.

Although I had practiced yoga only intermittently at this stressful time it is actually when my passion for yoga & mindfulness grew deep and solid. Yoga helped me heal from the surgery while Mindfulness helped to get things on an even keel. I was so impressed with the help they gave me I was inspired to qualify to teach them to others & have been doing that ever since.

Fast forward through a couple of international relocations & divorce to the beginning of the pandemic, and I found I was not myself – again (but worse). I was flying off the handle at the drop of a hat, struggled with terrible brain fog & couldn’t remember anything. I felt anxious all the time & had panic attacks on the dog walk. My thoughts were dark, unhelpful, sometimes suicidal. I was utterly miserable.

It was only  when I thought of my age  that I began to wonder if these symptoms could be menopause related. As the light dawned my training & daily practice started to come into their own. 

I used mindfulness to stop my panic attacks & chose not to believe the unhelpful thoughts. I was unapologetic about carving out some time daily to practice meditation, yoga & gratitude, and spend time in nature.

Over time things improved.

I did lots of research, I invested time, money & energy on my own self-development, studying the science behind what I teach, completing further training & courses & much more to improve my knowledge, understanding & deepen my own spiritual journey.

At first the shifts were subtle, but on reflection I look back at some quite profound transformations. In less than 2 years I can honestly say I have never felt better. I feel like I am in love with life again & thriving & there was a time when I never thought that would be possible.

And this has inspired me to support more women in this life-changing transition. After all, I believe that I broke into pieces to let the light in – as Rumi sums up perfectly.

I am grateful for the journey, everything I have learnt, how I have changed & where we are as a family now.

Now, had you asked me 18 months ago I doubt I would have said that, the response might have been unprintable! But if I can do it, anyone can.

I hope you’ll join me over the next few weeks as I share some of my meno journey with you & I hope it inspires you to embrace some of these simple practices so you can create your best life for the rest of your life.

If you would like to find out more about creating your own self-care practices check out Alex’s FB group:

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Incorporate short yoga sequences & meditations as part of your self-care toolkit with guided practices on Alex’s YouTube Channel:

For more info check out

Alex is based on the edge of the stunning Cotswolds & has been sharing her love for all things yoga & mindfulness for almost a decade, not just in the UK but also around the world. Having used her training & knowledge to navigate her own menopausal journey & create a life in which she is thriving, Alex is devoted in supporting other’s in this life changing transition.