Setting an Intention for Self-care 2022 by Alex Bannard, Wellbeing and Wellness Editor

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Did you know almost ½ of us will set new year’s resolutions but less than 10% of us will actually achieve them? Indeed, research by Strava using over 800 million user-logged activities in 2019 confirmed that most people have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions by Jan 19th – Strava call it Quitter’s Day.

Perhaps this is because resolutions are often quite lofty aspirations that are all about a huge lifestyle change, which ultimately set us up for failure.  We’ve all done it: I’m going to the gym everyday, go vegan, get more sleep, change the world, drop a dress size, run a marathon etc etc.  So if you are noticing your New Year’s Resolutions are already sliding why not start again & set an intention instead of a resolution?

Setting an intention is a powerful step in embodying how you want to be. As Wayne Dyer said: “Our intention becomes our reality”  Intentions send a powerful message into the quantum, they are our sign-post or compass, guiding us in our way of being. Intentions are a conscious guide to how we are living each day.

So how do you set an intention?

First think about what brings you joy, what lights you up. Maybe even journal on this. Base your intention around what makes you feel good.  Then think about how you can you can express that positively in a mantra or affirmation, a simple phrase that encapsulates this intention. This is a simple reminder to keep you on track when you need it.  And then finally let it go – we can’t force an outcome & if we try to it will just strangle it.

Imagine your intention is like a seed, you plant that seed & step out of the way allowing the Universe to fill in the blanks, allowing your intention to blossom & bloom when the time is right.  As you know I am a huge advocate of self-care. I believe that it’s not selfish or a luxury but a daily necessity. It has helped me navigate several international moves, a toxic divorce & more recently the menopause.  By embracing little rituals daily that make you feel better, you will begin to live your best life. By doing things that make you feel happier & healthier you will start to become more productive, creative & efficient.

So if you have decided to set the intention to develop your own self-care rituals how do you do it?

The most important thing I believe is to start small. The benefit of this is that you will easily achieve it, you’ll start to feel better & feel inspired to do more.   Keep it simple. Self-care can be powerful & life changing but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Indeed, if it is you’re more likely to find excuses not to do it.  Self-care is all about doing something that is easy, fun & makes you feel good, empowered even, something you look forward to doing.  Maybe your new self-care ritual is as simple as getting some fresh air & being out in nature everyday? It’s simple, easy to do & makes you feel so much better.  If you struggle to find time for yourself, why not schedule it in? Ear-mark time in your diary for the rest of January so that you commit to your self-care. Be unapologetic about it.

I commit every weekday to getting up before the kids to do my self-care. It’s my time in which I devote an hour or so to my own self-care rituals. I cherish & absolutely relish this time (& it MUST be good because I’m NOT a morning person!)

So there you have it: how to set an intention & 3 simple ways to creating your own self-care practice:

Start small, keep it simple & schedule it.  Sending all my love & intentions to you all for a wonderful 2022.  May it be filled with happiness & good health.  May you flow through the year with grace & ease.  May you commit to a daily self-care routine & enjoy the multiple benefits of making yourself a priority in your own life because you deserve it.

If you would like to find out more about creating your own self-care rituals love check out Alex’s FB group:

Or on Instagram:

Incorporate short yoga sequences & meditations as part of your self-care toolkit with guided practices on Alex’s YouTube Channel:

For more info check out

Alex is based on the edge of the stunning Cotswolds & has been sharing her love for all things yoga & mindfulness for almost a decade, not just in the UK but also around the world. Her mission is to help everyone discover a more mindful way of living & to encourage them to embrace regular self-care practices for a happier & healthier way of living & being.