Author Catherine Yardley is interviewed by Natalie Jayne Peake about her acclaimed debut novel Ember which is launched today

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Congratulations on your debut novel Ember, Catherine, tell me about it: to start with what inspired it ?

Ember started as a film script I wrote years ago. Then I completely forgot about it. I was writing another novel set in the world of acting and in-between drafts I wanted to write another book. I came across the script and I thought, there is something here. Originally it was about three sisters who go to their father’s funeral and then all of the past family drama comes to the fore. It is a completely different book now, but there are two warring sisters!

You were one of the top 50 actresses in Scotland,  tell us what made you change course and pursue writing

I became really disillusioned with the film industry. It is such a tough environment and most of the castings I was offered required nudity. I am way too shy to do nudity so it limited my career. I hurt my back on a film set and it took a year of physiotherapy to correct it and then I had a baby. I wanted to be around more for my children and focus on being a mother. Writing fits in perfectly with that.

You have also launched a highly successful online magazine,  what does it cover ? Is it still growing ?

Frost magazine was launched twelve years ago. That seems unbelievable to me. It is still growing and is something I am immensely proud of. We cover books and lifestyle. We have a good reach and fantastic engagement. I am so proud of Frost and the little team behind it.

What does 2022 have in store for you and your readers?

Well I have another book on sub at the moment. I am writing short stories and editing another novel. Then I will start on yet another novel. I am going to keep writing and submitting. I have four novels written, a short story collection and a children’s book. I would like to see all of them published.

What advice would you give any budding writers ?

Work hard. Don’t give up and submit your work. A lot of writers are too scared to submit, or the rejection gets to them and they quit. You have to take the rejection and be relentless. It is the only way.

What research did you have to do whilst writing Ember ?

All novels require research. I feel like some people don’t realise how much research goes into a work of fiction. I had to research fertility treatment as I am lucky enough to never have needed any. I also had to research little things about driving from one place to another. I had a lovely doctor friend who writers for Frost called Dr Kathleen Thompson who answered a lot of questions and helped me create an accurate portrayal of an obstetrician’s work life.

Let’s talk about your writing process – what comes first .the characters or the plot ?

An idea always comes first. Sometimes I hear a song and that is it, other times I read an article, or I see someone on the street. It can be anything. I sometimes panic that I won’t come up with another idea after I finish a book, but the ideas always come. It is turning them into an eighty thousand word novel that is the hard part.

What is the hardest thing about writing a book and what is the easiest ?

The easiest is the first draft where you are just writing and it flows. For me anyway. The hardest is the endless edits and reading the book a million times. Oh, and publicising it.

Who has been your biggest supporter of your writing career ?

My agent Susan Yearwood is amazing. She made such a difference to my life when she took me on.

My publishers as well.I was so stoked to get a traditional book deal. I have self published before and it is so exhausting. My family and friends have been amazing. My mother was such a cheerleader when I first started writing. Margaret Graham has been invaluable. Jane Cable has also been amazing. Both Margaret and Jane are so inspirational. My debut 22 writing group have saved my sanity so many times. I love those people.

Claire Dyer write an early draft which was terrible and I realised how to fix the book after. Poor Claire.

A question I like to ask everyone- If you could invite any three people, past or present, real or fictional, to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve ?

Jesus would be a good one. I would also have to have Barack and Michelle Obama. I am such a fan of both. If Jesus wasn’t available Beyonce could come. I love Queen Bey.

Ember by Catherine Yardley. in pb and e-book. Available here