Small Things That Could Be Affecting Your Smile

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There are so many things that can affect our smiles, and we might not even realize we are doing so. There is more that goes into caring for your dental health and smile appearance than visiting the dentist and brushing twice a day. Your lifestyle can have a huge impact on the way that your mouth and teeth look. 

There are a few things that you can do – or not do – to help keep your smile looking radiant. Some habits may be simple to break, while others might take some time to get used to. You can also adjust the way you enjoy certain things like coffee to prevent it from having too significant an impact on the look of your smile. 


Genetics plays a part in many aspects of our health, and dental health is no exception. Our family history can dictate how straight our teeth will be and how susceptible we are to common dental issues like decay and gum disease. While there’s not much you can do about your genetics, being aware of what to look for and knowing your family history can be valuable. Find out more about how genetics can impact your smile from the dental professionals at ALIGNERCO.  

Nail Biting 

Using your teeth as nail clippers is never a good idea for both your teeth and your nails themselves. Our hands and nails harbor a lot of bacteria, which is why it is best to avoid putting your hands in or near your mouth unless they are freshly washed. Biting your nails can also break down the enamel, potentially causing chips in the teeth or decay.  

If biting your nails is a nervous habit, consider finding something else to do instead, such as a fidget spinner or stress toy. You could also use specialist nail polish that tastes unpleasant when chewed on. Learning healthy coping mechanisms can also be beneficial to help you stop biting your nails.  


Coffee is a common cause of teeth staining, which can be costly to fix if you end up requiring professional cleaning by your dentist. One way to prevent staining from coffee is by drinking your energy-boosting beverage through a metal straw. This can keep the liquid from washing over your teeth and preserve your pearly whites.  


Many people crunch on ice when the weather is warm as a way to cool down. Some even enjoy doing it because the crunching itself is so satisfying. This can be bad news for your teeth, however, as crunching on hard things like ice can cause small cracks, which can lead to decay or even tooth loss. If you crunch ice to cool down, consider letting the ice melt in your mouth instead of drinking a cold drink. If the temptation is too much for you, consider avoiding ice in your drinks altogether.  

Teeth Grinding 

Teeth grinding is common and often occurs while we sleep when there’s not much we can do about it. If this is something you deal with, you could consider investing in a mouth guard to wear at night. This will prevent you from grinding your teeth, providing a cushioned surface to protect your teeth as you sleep.

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