Made By Coopers Atmospheric Mist – Surround Yourself With ‘Happy’ – by Award Winning Author Dr Kathleen Thompson

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Of all our senses, the ability to smell is possibly the most underrated. We all know that lavender and chamomile can help us sleep, but there’s a whole battery of essential oils and other fragrant plant extracts which can benefit us in so many ways. Ancient medical systems, such as Ayurveda recognize these powers on our mood and mental health and use essential oils in treatments.

As with all products which we plan to inhale or put on our skin, quality is so important, as a significant amount will end up inside our bodies – so I was so glad to discover Made By Coopers – created by Clare and Darren Cooper. Clare had suffered for years with anxiety disorders and when they visited an Ayurvedic centre in Kerala they were inspired to learn about the therapeutic powers of the different plants used there.

Eager to share with others, using the knowledge they’d acquired, they started producing fabulous products, ranging from Atmospheric Mists and candles to skincare products and a special sleep range. Each product has an aromatherapy element to it: Calming, Balancing, Uplifting, Energising and Passion. They follow the Ayurvedic philosophy to treat the body as a whole and they believe in ‘to nourish the skin, nourish the mind’.

All their products use nutrient-rich plant oils, therapeutic grade essential oils, flower water (hydrolats) and botanical actives, and are 100% free from parabens, SLSs, mineral oil, sulfates, artificial colours and synthetic fragrances.

I love the Happy Room Spray, with Lime essential oils for upliftment, Basil for Energy and Stress-relief, and Clementine for Mental Clarity and Mood. At £16.50 for 100ml this instantly relaxes and raises your spirits.

But there’s much more on the website – do take a look, and follow them on social media (links below) 

By Dr K Thompson, award-winning author of From Both Ends of the Stethoscope: Getting through breast cancer – by a doctor who knows

Note: These articles express personal views. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information given and you should always consult a doctor if you need medical advice.