The pace of Columbia Community Centre refurbishment makes Frost Magazine breathless. Talk about Marion and the committee multi tasking…

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 August  is here and Frost Magazine is clinging onto the CCA’s coat-tails as they career helter skelter along their refurbishment road as Marion Taylor and the committee balance the needs of  users and workers.

3rd August was deemed ‘takeoff’ for the sanding of the wooden front door, its frame, and the glass panel.The lads from  Complete Outdoor Cleaning & Maintenance assured Marion:  ‘It will be a thing of beauty coveted by all!’

Ah, so Is this why Marion is thinking of an Edwardian Door Knocker? ‘The committee might have different ideas’ she says, ‘but I think it will look fabulous and what about a door handle to match the Edwardian door knocker? (Hyacinth Bouquet what have you started?)’ Marion’s words, not Margaret’s. 

So is this all that has been happening? Silly me.

On Mondays,  Equans who are so generously providing and funding the new kitchen, have their weekly meetings at the CCA. Fortunately there is always an ample supply of biscuits, tea and coffee but recently it is  Adams Ale that has been requested. Margaret Graham assumes this is actually water. Gloom. 

Later Cosmic Blinds, of good old Brady Square, arrived at to measure the windows, The young man’s first words, Marion tells me, were:I will do what I can to help as I have great memories of this centre. My children had their birthday parties here and what fun we had, and, I would like to help the community in any way I can.’

Marion’s resonse?  “There is no blood like Brady blood, it’s a delicious melting pot of sincerity, love and pride that runs through the veins. Thank you, John Kelly your Cosmic blinds are out of this world.

The gas cooker was removed during the week, ‘And collected  by the local scrap man as we are starting to make preparations for the new kitchen, I really don’t know how Bob manages to do these tasks flying solo,’ says Marion. 

All this as the classes bustled in and out. With the dancers came music  laughter, and all the little people dancing their hearts out led by the wonderfully talented Aimee. ‘Who bends her body into shapes I have only read about in magazines (Frost I think)‘ says Marion. 

‘So, is that it?’ I ask, again. ‘Oh, Margaret, when will you learn,‘ I can hear my mum, Annie Newsome say, knowing full well how  the community would continue to rally round… as the CCA accepting donations of School Uniforms on behalf of Equans and Spectacles for the Cambodian appeal.

Marion has also used social media to request that  food is donated  for hampers to be raffled in aid of the Ukrainian appeal. The Family Tree Florist is sadly closing down at the end of the week and Rachel, the owner, has donated  various types of cellophane wrapping along with an array of ribbons.

Off you go then, Marion. Get working on the bows.  

Towards the end of the week the doors were collected to be stripped, which would take a week. Alongside the refurbishment activity The  Forever young bingo ladies made their appearance. Three welcome and utterly calorie free orange cakes had also appeared. Poof! courtesy of fairy Linda, who was   off to Scarbrough   but didn’t want the ladies to be denied their treats. Marion naturally had to test the cake, just a slice you understand, but how big a slice was not disclosed.


Then it was the Fat Quarters sewing group’s turn to take their place, and work on their wonderful quilts. Finally, it was Friday, and – bells and whistles –  Marion’s birthday. Apparently she is 21+VAT +VAT. Yeah. Yeah. Not only that, but Graham and Christine Thirlaway of the local shop donated lots of hamper goodies. Sister Mary Scholastica also congratulated the community on its achievements, and mentioned she had enough toiletries to last the Seamen 5 months. Hurrah hurrah for the  community – again.

‘So what progress on the hampers?’ Margaret asked.’Six hampers all ready’ Marion says, ‘and taken over to Phil at Di’s Diner who bless him has agreed to sell our raffle tickets at a £1.00 a strip.’

Honestly, Margaret needs a cuppa just thinking about it all, or hang on, let’s make it a glass of wine – onlly to celebrate Marion’s birthday, you understand.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square

There will be a CCA Newsletter available in the main corridor

Margaret Graham is an author,  but she prefers to chat to friends over lunch and a glass of wine. Buns and a cuppa are also good.