The Power of Sound Healing by Alex Bannard Wellness and Wellbeing editor

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I first went to one of Angie Latham Sacred Earth Sound Healing’s  baths about 4 years ago &  was immediately hooked. It was such a beautiful, ethereal experience. I had been experiencing random pains in my legs (which I later learned was a menopause symptom) & afterward the sound experience  the pains disappeared for several months. And every experience since has been different and positive.

I knew by the 2nd or 3rd sound bath that to collaborate with Angie would be wonderful.. Earlier this year Angie & I did our first Chakra Cleanse. I led the room through a yoga, breath work & meditation to cleanse, balance & align their energy centres whilst Angie worked her magic with her beautiful sound baths. It was a wonderful afternoon & we received so many amazing testimonials.

Angie once worked in the NHS & ended up with burnout. At the time she confessed she didn’t really understand about energy, but do any of us? Angie uses this analogy, ‘If we were out in the world dressed in white we would get home & notice the dirt that we had picked up , or in other words, other people’s negative, or perhaps positive energy. . Everything is energy, it is all around us. If we were wearing black then we wouldn’t know what we had absorbed. We need our own energy.’ 

We can see this if  someone walkis in &  lightis up the room or conversely someone enters who has just had an argument & we feel that discomfort. That’s energy. After handing in her notice, Angie went to The Healing Weekend & spent several hundred pounds on her first gong & her passion for sound healing was awoken.

So what is sound healing?

Angie, explained, ‘Sound is energy, it has a vibration & as human beings are mostly water, we’re great conductors of sound & vibration, amplify the cleansing & purifying properties of what is essentially a sonic massage. Scientists are beginning to understand that our cells literally plump up & become more fluid from the vibrations of a gong (so und)bath.

And what is a sound bath?   Firstly, you won’t need your swimming costume! As Angie says, ‘It’s all about letting go, complete surrender. I’ve seen clients just blossom & open up after a sound bath. You don’t have to be spiritual, you don’t have to be anything, Sound baths work for everybody because they work on all levels: the physical, the emotional & a mental/spiritual level. Whatever you need, you’ll experience.

She went on to say, ‘Sound bypasses the ego mind. Whatever your mind thinks you need, the sound will give you what you really need!’  

Angie went onto to say & this is something which I also reiterate in my classes all the time, ‘We can’t stop thought, we can’t stop thinking but we can learn to let go of thinking that doesn’t serve us; negative stories & mind-loops,. You know those stories that keep us awake at night. Sound helps us to let go of those thoughts, giving us some freedom & space, which ultimately paves the way for healing & transformation.

Angie uses crystal singing bowls, which are 99% quartz crystal. Quartz crystal is a natural purifier, cleanser & amplifier. Each bowl is tuned to a certain note which resonates with each of the chakras. Angie plays the bowls to enhance the balancing & cleansing properties of the combination of breath, yoga poses & meditation to bring each of our energetic centres back into balance & alignment which is how they work best. It’s a very powerful practice.

As Angie beautifully summed it up, ‘I’m just guiding people to remember who they really are by accessing the wisest part of themselves by dialing down the mind to remind you that you are heart centred & present, full of love & peace.’

Ultimately we are not just our physical bodies, we have a soul & energy. Becoming more heart centred opens up the gateway to our soul.

The people who have the best experiences in a sound & gong bath are those who have no expectations, and just let go & experience whatever comes up with an open heart and mind. Because, as Angie says, ‘Once you know something you just can’t un-know it.

To find out more about Angie’s work check out her website:

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If you are interested in joining us on any of the upcoming monthly Chakra Cleanse, we would love to see you, please click on this link