Knock knock – who’s there? The new door knocker at the Columbia Community Association. Sorry about that, Margaret couldn’t help herself.

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Yes, it’s arrived, so Marion tells Margaret Graham, Editor of  Frost Magazine. Hurrah.

It appears to have been a busy week: the plaster in the kitchen was left to dry out slowly as it’s scheduled to be painted this week ready for the units to be fitted. Pauline has been  busying herself cleaning the glass in the doors ready for the fabulous rainbow window film. Bob has been replacing some of the handles on the doors and as Marion says, ‘They look the business.’

While on the subject of Bob, Margaret Graham is very very put out, because Bob has a NEW pair of red shoes, when she still has not found her first pair. Moving on…

The new Projector has been delivered and the CCA have had a donation of a 32inch Telelvision for our computer room.

Marion says, ‘This room wants for nowt it hasn’t got. so Columbia Community Association will be the place to be. The grand news is that  the lovely Laura Baines from Equan is organising Free Digital Training. In addition she is delivering training at our centre for over 16’s who are currently unemployed and looking to gain meaningful employment or to re-enter the workplace.’ This really is an outstanding initiative.

Excellent news hot off the press: the CCA is now part of the Washington Heritage Partnership, in which groups work together to commemorate and fortify the heritage of Washington and wonderful Brady Square. ‘We are now displayed on their new banner,’ Marion says.

Fat Quarters arrived and showed the team the hats they are knitting for the Seamens’ Mission which is destined to bring a smile to Sister Mary.


The CCA also had a visit from Jim Benson, Principal Designer (Health & Safety) to Marion and the rest of us. He was  Marion says,  very nice and most complimentary; He even let her take his photograph for Frost Magazine. ‘Jim advised us it would be good practice to display a poster with the location of the nearest Defibrillator. Sound advice Sir, we took a photo of our neighbours and designed a poster.’

Lee at Faltec informed  Marion that their television was ready to collect, wall bracket n all…. The team are thrilled, ‘What a star, a man of his word. That’s two in one week, and both Smart TVs.’

A vast number of glasses were handed over to Ray for the Cambodian appeal and arrangements have to made with Kam from the Polish Centre for him to collect a cheque for money raised for the Ukrainian appeal from the food hamper raffle.‘The hats for the Seafarers keep on coming but there are never enough, so don’t stop knitting.’  Marion has even spurred Margaret, editor of Frost Magazine to get out her needles. She has knitted up five, of which Dick, (him indoors) has pinched one. BAD Dick.

The paint arrived, and low and behold it was the gaffers of Equan getting the brushes out. ‘How lucky are we having such amazing people wanting to bring our centre back to life. Brady Square rubs off on everyone, whoever darkens our doors is hooked with its magnetism.’ says Marion. Well, quite.


Left to right: Steven, Tom and Stu (the lovable Likely lads at work) to be rewarded at tea break with a slice of Linda’s Orange cake. Keiran arrived to take over the afternoon shift, and the lovely Beth. (Keiran is AKA Jurgen Klopp).

The colour of the flooring was chosen, grey to match the grey radiators and blinds. The TV was also mounted on the wall, the bookcase was mounted in the corner. Margaret is bringing more of her books under her writing names of Margaret Graham, Milly Adams and Annie Clarke so they can go there, along with others. The settee and reception table and chairs, donated by Faltec,  complete the picture. The problem is going to be… stopping Marion from moving in.

Friday was put aside for emptying the room ready for Corey to start the flooring this week. All hands-on deck after Callum has given the radiator a second coat of paint as  Mike,  Michael, and Dan helped clear the room.

The excitement is mounting at Columbia Community Centre, and thanks abound to all those who have supported and helped so far.

‘You are all appreciated more than you will ever know,’ say the committee. 

.Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square