Margaret and Dick talk about their FREE 1st Collection of The Misadventures of Margaret and Dick and the trials and tribulations of bringing them up to scratch.

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Blood sweat and tears… This has been the situation at Chez Graham as Margaret and Dick put together the FREE 1st Collection of The Misadventures of Margaret and Dick. as requested. Well, let Margaret rephrase that: Margaret did endless proof edits, while Dick did the clever stuff of actually putting it into various forms of ebook etc.
Why did Margaret do endless proof edits? Because everytime she thought the 55 episodes were perfect, she discovered they were not. This led to bad behaviour; stamping, language, ‘Never again’, despair, sniggers as Margaret found her jokes quite funny as she always does, then sulks, until it was decided as Dick ducked a flying duster, that the final one was good enough, so very there.
Finally, finally the book jacket: a photo taken on a walk by a daughter who takes brilliant images. Then Dick pointed out the rounded shoulders… This was not appropriate Margaret pointed out in her turn, because she had been leaning forward, driving a serious point home to Dick though she can’t remember what.
It was decided to let the matter lie, though there does seem to be a general bracing of Margaret’s shoulders during discussions these days, which actually makes Margaret feel considerably more forceful. Dick is wishing he had said nothing.
Anyway, they tell Frost Magazine you can find the various  FREE formats on and a huge thanks to Dick, who Margaret notices has changed the title to the one he preferred, when in fact Margaret had said: Margaret and Dick’s Misadventures. (just saying). Though Dick’s is better, she has to admit.
Next collection will be nearer Christmas, which will entail much drinking of wine during the proof editing process.