Michael Rowan gets his sparkle back and proves that men can be easy to buy for, all thanks to Drinkmate Search for drinkmate – Lakeland, the home of creative kitchenware Amazon.co.uk : drinkmate

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‘Men are so difficult to buy for,’ is a common refrain in our household, heard every Christmas, birthday, and of course, Father’s Day. This statement is undoubtedly true, if my burgeoning sock draw, and a shelf full of aftershave to rival any Boots store is anything to go by. With Father’s Day fast approaching on June 18th, now is the ideal time to reveal the inner workings of the male mind, and make a suggestion that will make buying a gift for the man in your life, a veritable breeze.

I am sure that by now you realise that men are not at all complicated, we develop ‘big box syndrome’ as boys, if the gift comes in a big box, we already love it, n.b. this does not apply to socks or aftershave. We also love gadgets, things that do something, and if they have a button to press, or a switch to switch, so much the better.

Drinkmate delivers on all counts, slim, sturdy, matt black (other colours are available) and stylish, it is definitely going to be one of those presents that doesn’t end up in a drawer.

Drinkmate promises, (and delivers) to carbonate water, juice and wine at the press of a button.

What I particularly liked about the Drinkmate was that I am in control of how fizzy it becomes, and of course that takes experimentation (another tick in the box for us boys). It has a slow-release valve so that the gas can be gently released without it inadvertently showering the kitchen and user with liquid. Just don’t ask how I know this.

The machine is easy to assemble, another tick for those of us that treat instructions like the answers to a crossword puzzle i.e. something to be looked at, only at the end when one can progress no further.

Possibly the biggest argument for the Drinkmate, is that it contributes to protecting the environment. I shudder to think how many single use plastic bottles I have bought in order to enjoy my sparkling water. With Drinkmate it is on tap and our recycling bin will remain reassuringly empty of plastic bottles.

Drinkmate is consistently ranked the best home beverage carbonator by major media including The Wall Street Times, Buzzfeed, and House Beautiful. Carbonate any beverage with a press of a button.

Stockist Lakeland £89.99.

Images courtesy of Drinkmate

Search for drinkmate – Lakeland, the home of creative kitchenware

Amazon.co.uk : drinkmate