Freedom by Adaptogenic Apothecary – Plant-based Supplements For Menopause by Award Winning author Dr Kathleen Thompson

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When Jodie and Paris Welton started to experience unpleasant peri- and post-menopausal symptoms, they decided to explore a number of plant-based supplements which might help. Thrilled with their success they decided to share, and Adaptogenic Apothecary was born. Working with a medicinal herbalist they have developed various formulations aimed at women’s health issues, including Freedom, to help menopausal symptoms.

Freedom contains Lion’s Mane, and Ashwagandha both of which are believed to improve anxiety, together with a number of other plant extracts including cacao, rosehip and cinnamon.

Menopause can affect different women in different ways – some sail through without a problem, many of us are not so lucky. Thankfully the medical profession are much more switched on to this these days, and there are some excellent menopause clinics which offer a diverse range of therapies to deal with whatever symptoms an individual is experiencing.

I do believe herbal treatments have an important role to play in managing some menopausal symptoms and Adaptogenic Apothecary use good quality ingredients and have clearly put a lot of thought into their products. If you suffer from the symptoms they list on their website it may well be worth giving their products a try.

Freedom can be purchased from the Adaptogenic Apothecary website on special offer at £36 for a month’s supply.

By Dr K Thompson, author of From Both Ends of the Stethoscope: Getting through breast cancer – by a doctor who knows

Note: These articles express personal views. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information given and you should always consult a doctor if you need medical advice.