Sci-Mx – Pushing You To The Next Level – by Dr Kathleen Thompson award winning author of From Both Ends of the Stethoscope

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I’ve been feeling a bit tired recently. Maybe it was chugging up Bulgarian mountains, or maybe the intensive dance camp in Poland? Or (surely not?) maybe I’m just not as young as I was?

Whatever the case, I feel the need for a reset and nutrition is a good place to start. There are different views on nutritional supplements and few would disagree that a good balanced healthy diet is non-negotiable. But is there a place for supplements too? Yes, I believe so. Most good fitness trainers subscribe to the 80% nutrition:20% exercise rule and if you’re trying to build muscle, adequate proteins are important. Of course you can simply eat a protein-rich diet but a well-formulated protein powder contains optimal elements for muscle development. However a word of caution, all protein powders are by no means equal, so it’s important to buy from a knowledgeable and experienced company.

That’s why I like the British sports company, Sci-Mx. Their experienced nutritionists use high-quality ingredients to create a range of products designed for differing needs– from bulking muscle, reducing body fat to peaking sports performance. They cater for athletes, but also everyday folk too. Importantly Sci-Mx products are low in sugar wherever possible, which singles them out from other makes.

Many protein powders are based on whey (milk protein), and Sci-Mx offer a range of these. However I’m particularly interested in their Ultra Plant Protein (£21.99). For vegans or for people with a milk allergy, it’s a no-brainer, but, and it’s just my view, I prefer not to load my body with large quantitites of milk protein. Ultra Plant Protein is made from a balanced blend of non-GMO proteins including hydrolysed pea protein, pea protein isolate and rice protein – what’s clever is that the hydrolysed pea protein is rapidly digestible, and the shakes also contain nutrients to support post- workout recovery. I love this protein shake – it’s easy to mix and tasted good – salted caramel and peanut flavour – what’s not to like? It really packs the punch on the protein front with 34g per 2-scoop serving – nearly twice as much as a normal protein bar – in fact I used just one scoop, but it’s a personal choice, and sugar is just 0.9g per serving.

The other Sci-Mx product which I wanted to road-test was Xplode Pre-workout (£15.99) which promised to ignite my energy levels, keep me focussed, and support endurance too – I sure need a piece of this, particularly during my dance competitions where I have to keep dancing with grace, pazazz and a big smile, sometimes way past my bed-time (yes I do mean 9pm these days). It’s a mixture of amino acids, caffeine (equivalent to two and a half cups of coffee), black pepper, magnesium and B vitamins. I tried the tropical fruit flavour – very tasty and citrusy, and I definitely felt the energy kick. It’s for use on training days, so not every day, but I’ll be taking a premixed bottle along to my next competition.

So these were my choices, but we’re all different and Sci-Mx have a very comprehensive range on their website. I would definitely recommend them if you’re looking for workout supplements.

By Dr K Thompson, author of From Both Ends of the Stethoscope: Getting through breast cancer – by a doctor who knows

Note: These articles express personal views. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information given and you should always consult a doctor if you need medical advice.