Organix Goodies Christmas Selection Box

Organix Goodies Christmas Selection Box

A selection box for the Christmas stocking has always been a must in our house. It never matters what else is in there, there just has to be that bulky box of chocolate from Santa. I forget how many Christmas mornings have gone by with chocolate for breakfast – and if you can’t have an indulgent Christmas morning what’s the fun?

But what about the toddlers in your life? You don’t want to fill them full of sugar and neither do you want them to miss out on all the fun. That’s why the Organix Goodies is the perfect stocking filler.

Organix’s ‘no junk’ promise of always organic and nothing unnecessary in their products makes this a perfect treat.

Inside the cheerful box you’ll find five Organix products especially tailored to the little one in your life Organic mini gingerbread men biscuits, apple and strawberry fruit shapes, alphabet biscuits, apple and raspberry soft oaty bars and apple and orange soft oaty bars

Organix Goodies Christmas selection box

Organix Goodies Christmas Selection Box

Suitable for 12+ months

RRP: £2.99 and available from