Wayne Rooney: is he thinning again?

After spending £30,000 on his hair transplant in June 2011, Wayne Rooney’s hair transplant is always making headlines with recent being that it appears to be thin again. However Harley street hair loss expert Warren Vaheeswaran thinks otherwise. He thinks that Wayne’s Hair transplant has changed the UK hair industry for the better. A year on Wayne’s hair has shown good steady progress. The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method that was used on has been a great favourite with celebrities and sport stars flocking around Harley street just like popping around to the dentists to get their teeth whitened says Warren.

Just 12 months since the procedure was done, concern for the condition of the transplant has been highlighted in the media as getting worse which surprised Warren. He emphasised that hair transplants will never give a full head of hair. Wayne had a good transplant done and used hair loss fibres to thicken it up. Its medically impossible to have a full head of hair unless you take a non surgical hair system route. So when he was filmed without the fibres long hair the media highlighted it. But the real truth is he has had a very good 7000 to 8000 hairs transplanted over 2 days in Harley street & using fibres to keep it thick summarises Warren.
