Interview with Mem Freda

What made you get into acting?

As a child I was always fascinated by these ‘beings’ that lived inside our TV set! I was 
convinced I would see them leave from the back of the TV after a show was over, if I waited 
long enough!

Born with such a wild imagination, the decision was not a conscious one, but a route destined 
to happen. Often I would roll around the living room floor wrestling with pillows 
(crocodiles) having just seen an episode of Tarzan. 

Not much changed into adulthood, where I would recite dialogue from films I’d seen, with an 
attempt at replicating the characters. Eventually, I realized that the energy I had was best 
channeled into acting, hence, it chose me, as much as I chose it, as a career. 



What is the strangest role you have been offered?

Its very rare I find anything ‘strange’.

Once I was asked to be in a commercial, and was paid £38,000.00 for two hours work and when the 
advert was aired, all you saw was the side of my nose, that for me was strange!!


How do you prepare for a role?

Often when you land a role, you have background information at your disposal, from the script, 
the director, the character breakdowns etc.

Depending on whether the character is fictitious or not, will determine the nature of the 
research one does. If the character in not fictitious, I would gather as much information 
as possible to build a profile that is as close to the real life personality of that person.
I find it easier when a role is fictitious, as this allows for more freedom to experiment
with different layers to the character, until I find one that best fits to what the writer 


Who is your role model? It could be anyone from the past or present. 

Marlon Brando was my first ‘role model’. I have also always been influenced by the work of
De Niro, Pacino, Penn, Travolta and recently Christian Bale. 


You have some amazing films coming out soon, but what has been the most diverse role so far?

I’m excited for audiences to see two films coming out soon in which they will see me in a 
different light. First is BREAKDOWN, in which I play a tortured victim. It stars Craig
Fairbrass, James Cosmo and is directed by Jonnie Malachi and produced by Luke Fairbrass.

The second film is MY HERO, here I play a cockney florist, Simon Flowers, who is a drug lord 
operating out of Margate. Directed by Robert Osman and produced by Katarina Gellin, 
audiences are in for a real treat.


Plastic that's out now, is one brilliant film. If you had unlimited funds what would you do 
with it and why?

In terms of film, I would continue developing and producing interesting and stimulating stories 
for audiences to enjoy, appreciate and remember through time. In terms of life, I would set up 
a charity organisation to help others less fortunate. 


You do really get all the gritty roles to play in films, but are there any roles that you long 
to play? Like a Romantic comedy, or are you digging deep with the bad guy stuff for now?

I love playing the villain. Having made a career out of it, I still want to pay service to 
playing such roles. However, it is also high time to show my diversity as an actor, 
hence, a romantic comedy,horror, drama, are all avenues for me to explore. And I am 
currently setting these wheels in motion.


If you could play any role that is really out of your comfort zone what would it be?

Not sure any role is within my ‘comfort zone’, as all require a substantial amount of work. 
However, what would be fun to play, is a similar role to that of Dustin Hoffman’s role in 


If you could direct any film past or present what would it be and why?

It would be thrilling to do a remake of Boogie Nights. It had me in fits of laughter, so it 
would be fabulous to attempt to make it just as funny.

Are their any roles you have played that you felt you changed as a person while filming 
or can you walk away and not get too involved with the character?

After 20 years of psychosis, with each dark and terrifying character I’ve portrayed, you have 
to learn to walk away unaffected. It’s that or strangling the cat when I get home.

To keep sane you have to have full control over reality and fantasy. I did have problems at
the start of my career, but had to deal with them pronto.

Who would you love to star with next and why?

I’d love to be able to work with Juliet Lewis. She captured my interest ever since I saw her in 
Kalifornia and Natural Born Killers. She’s a sensational actress and her music ain’t bad either!


 Tell us something about yourself that we don't know.

I love horror films and was excited to win an Award at the prestigious
Myrtle Beach International Film Festival for Truth or Dare, which I produced along with
Jessica Cameron and Jonathan S Higgins.I also like to dip crisps into diet coke. 

Are you into this whole selfie things and even if you are not who would be the one person in 
history you would love to have a picture with?

Absolutely detest the whole selfie thing! If I were to have a selfie picture with anyone, it 
would be with Elvis.