New Year, New You – Part 2: Kicking The Habit

In my previous article, I wrote about starting the New Year with a New You – touching on ways to change your job, your wage and your home, if 2012 hadn’t quite been the most of exciting of years in these areas for you personally.

And, by continuing on with this theme, I decided that as we approached the final month of 2012, there was no better time to touch on changing another huge aspect of your life; kicking that habit.  Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about the habit of smoking.

I’m sure you were all aware of ‘Stoptober’ campaign that went on last month, encouraging smokers in Britain to give up the habit for 28 days. It was hard to ignore, and I’m sure it got you thinking – you know you should give up, but actually doing it and sticking to it is something you’re not sure can be achieved realistically.

Well, if you’re currently addicted to the habit, but would love to ditch it for the start of 2013, then the following advice may put you in good stead:

Tell Everyone:

Often, if you tell yourself your going to stop smoking, although you know you’ve got to in your head, actually doing it is a completely different thing. Why? Because, if you’ve only tried to convince yourself that you’re going to quit, if you fail at your attempts, you’re only letting yourself down and you only have yourself to tell off – so, giving up is an easy option.

However, if you tell people around you that you are going to quit and you are going to stick to it, you’ll have them to deal with when you fall at the first hurdle. No-one likes to be the first one to drop out, and no-one likes to be known as a quitter, so when they start saying “Ah, we know you couldn’t do it”, you may find yourself wanting to prove them wrong.

Also, the more people who are likely to know about you wanting to quit, the more likely people will stop you from returning back to the habit when they see you starting to spark up.

Try A New Method: E-Cigarettes

You’ve tried every method going; from the patches, the chewing gum, to even going cold turkey, but somehow you’ve failed miserably at all.  As well as missing that little naughty nicotine habit, you’ve also noticed that the void that’s left between your fingers is another habit you’ve been left trying to fight. You miss the habit of holding one. Well, this is where the relatively new invention of stop-smoking techniques may be able to help you; E-Cigarettes.

You’ve vaguely heard about them, but you have no clue how they actually work. E-Cigarettes, available from stores like E Cig Wizard, are electric inhalers that vaporize a nicotine-infused liquid solution into an aerosol mist, to simulate the act of cigarette smoking. So, rather than being another method that doesn’t quite come naturally to you, it both works like a real cigarette and can be held just like a real one, too. They’re quite simply the perfect solution if you’re looking to start taking those all-important steps to kicking the habit completely.

Shock Tactics:

We’ve all seen the television adverts and the shocking pictures put on the back of cigarette packets, but somehow these shock tactics just don’t have any effect on making you pack in the habit. Why? Probably, because they’re not personal to you.

As you think about giving in from giving up, take time to think about your health as well as those people around you who you love dearly, who are really important to you and those who could be affected by the consequences of your habit. Suddenly, the shock tactics become more real now they’re related to your own life.

Are the long-term affects of that little stick of tobacco really worth more than them? No. So, kick the habit now and get started on the journey for a new you for the New Year.