Moma Your Muffin Top

MOMA, The Breakfast Of Champions, Bids To Help Britain Banish The Muffin Top This Summer
Join The Breakfast Revolution!

MOMA, the breakfast pioneers, are on a mission to help the nation slim down for a scorching summer. Join the MOMA breakfast challenge and start the morning with a proper mouthful, which will keep you going until lunch.

MOMA knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It increases your metabolic rate, kicks your body into gear in the morning and tells it what to expect throughout the rest of the day.

Join MOMA’s Breakfast Revolution at its Station Booths where you can take the MOMA YOUR MUFFIN TOP challenge. There will be the chance to opt for a weekly weigh in and collect stamps on your loyalty card to mark your commitment starting from 14th June and you get a free MOMA at the end of the two weeks with a full loyalty card.

According to the British Dietetic Association “It has been shown that people who eat breakfast have more balanced diets than those who skip this meal, are less likely to be overweight, lose weight more successfully and have reduced risk of certain diseases”.

MOMA’s Oatie Breakfast is packed full of wholegrain jumbo Oats which produce slow-releasing energy to keep you full until lunch. MOMA mixes their oats with probiotic yogurt, to aid digestion, real fruit, to provide vitamins, and finally agave nectar that helps to sweeten it. This winning combination is low GI, low fat and each breakfast pot has under 330 calories – giving your muffin top a headstart on the road to recovery every morning. The MOMA Oatie Breakfast range includes Blueberry, Wild Berry and Strawberry & Banana