It’s a fine line –  bulking out your home with toys that keep the little ones thriving without completely destroying that minimalist, Scandi styled space. We’ve pulled together our top three places to buy brilliantly inspired yet beautiful toys for little ones – meaning your house is still perfectly Instagrammable and you have a happy camper in the mix!



The selection of wooden toys from Hape are a firm Frost favourite. Retro in appearance but advanced in stimulation for little ones, you get the best of both for a modest price. Our personal favourites are the gorgeous pound and tap bench, the rotating music box and most of all… the SOLAR SYSTEM JIGSAW. A jigsaw of beautiful colours that will, when done right, look like a purpose built mosaic in your living room. Check out the Hape site for more details.


After Noah

This family run business is cuteness to the core. Packed with traditional looking toys, its box of ABC building blocks and wooden jungle animals will help with your little one’s learning AND your house still looking like a Pinterest board – winner!


Mulberry Bush

Dancing alligators, Mr Mushroom hammer pegs and Bernie’s Ride On Bus are three of our favourites from Mulberry Bush. The site features tonnes of brands which are playing in this space and is dedicated to retro looking wooden toy which are BEAUTIFULLY crafted.