Radox names Victoria Beckham THE modern day ‘PhenomeMUM’.

New study crowns modern mums the ‘Mistresses of Multi Tasking’

The Clocks Go Back Giving ‘PhenomeMUM’ A Well Needed Break

Phew – Mums are exhausted! They are at it over 20 times a day …. Multitasking that is!!

With the modern Mum doing over 20 different task every day (please NOTE there are only 24hrs and even Mums have to sleep) that is a lot of multi tasking and a pretty big to do list!

52% percent of mums are able to do four different tasks at any one time; a typical scenario could include putting the dinner in the oven, whilst chatting to a friend on the phone, whilst bending down to feed a pet, whilst tying up a pair of shoes whilst, whilst watching Eastender’s, whilst and logging onto the internet to pay the heating bill and check their twitter account.

When questioned what celebrity mums the PhenomeMums most admire, Davina McCall and Angelina Jolie were up there with Victoria Beckham, who’s multi tasking skills were the envy of modern mothers; juggling three boys, creating a fashion empire, owning a handful of houses and travelling the world, all while wearing high heels is pretty impressive!

The PhenomeMUM- an overview

1 – She does over 20 different tasks a day

2 – She has to have eyes in the back of her head, and eight arms to allow her to do all the housework (93%), food shopping (92%), cooking the evening meals (88%), washing up (85%), disciplining the kids (77%), helping with homework (73%) & paying the household bills (72%)!

3 – She has secret super powers:

· 66% ‘Queen Multitasker’ (no matter how busy she is, she will get everything done in the fastest time possible)

· 33% Florence Nightingale (on call 24/7 and have a medicine cupboard that rivals Boots)

· 26% Chef Extraordinaire (any meal, anytime, anywhere) and UN Peace Maker (kids, partners, in-laws she can keep it all together 24/7).

4 – they are beating the men of the household hands down with one in 20 PhenomeMums reported the ability to do over ten things more than their partners in any given hour.

But, there is a problem, 77% PhenomeMUMs feel more like OverwhelMUM with 84% feeling a pressure to be good at everything 24/7, 83% saying that there are not enough hours in the day and 82% feel their to-do list is endless often running out of hours to do everything!

So Radox asked the PhenomeMums what they wanted? 65% said ‘more time to myself’

Radox asked to do what? 59% to read a book and 50% in the bath

Well bobs your uncle, wishes can come true!

Radox has answered every PhenomeMums dream by teaming up with leading website – Mumsnet – to sponsor their book club for six months. From this Sunday they will be calling on all Mums to take a Selfish Reading Hour AND they will be giving away thousands of free books each month – so there is NO excuse not to!

So ‘PhenomeMUMs’ log onto www.be-selfish.co.uk/selfishreadinghour-mumsnet and claim your Selfish Reading Hour.