Hollywood Storyteller hosts Raindance Masterclass

Raindance is a Frost favourite. I have taken their 99 minute film school, and a couple of their other courses. We also cover their amazing film festival. Now they have one of Hollywood’s top story consultant doing a masterclass.

Raindance has announced that Christopher Vogler – one of Hollywood’s most celebrated story consultants – will host a weekend masterclass in London on 27-28 April.

Renowned as a leading expert in storytelling, Vogler is the guiding hand behind such films as The Wrestler, Black Swan, The Lion King, Fight Club and The Thin Red Line. Having worked for Disney, Warner Bros, Paramount and Fox, Vogler is in a unique position to share his insights into how powerful stories are made.

“We’re thrilled Christopher Vogler will be hosting this special Raindance masterclass in a rare appearance here in London,” says Elliot Grove, Director of Raindance. “He really is the stuff of screenwriting legend so this is a must for writers, directors, actors and producers interested in the entire story process from idea to script to screen,” he added.

Vogler’s best-seller, The Writer’s Journey, has been read by over 250,000 screenwriting students, establishing itself as one of the cornerstones of modern screenwriting theory and influencing a new generation of storytellers. Based on a memo he wrote while working at the Disney studios, the book has been translated into eight languages and its ideas were promptly put to use by a whole generation of screenwriters and novelists. Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky cites it as “the first book that everyone’s got to read”, while the LA Times describes the original memo as “the stuff of Hollywood legend… (Vogler’s) idea of a ‘mythic structure’ has been quickly accepted by Hollywood, and Vogler’s book graces the bookshelves of many studio heads”.