Cocoa Brown Tanning Range

This was one exciting press day for Cocoa Brown who doesn’t love tanning products. I love them so much seeing as I am nearly always behind a computer and I really don’t like to get tanned the usual way. I like to keep my skin in tip top condition, always using the highest factor cream possible. Tanning the natural way has its price…wrinkles. Well being 42 I can tell you young girls don’t do it. Opt for tanning lotions, creams and mousses rather than sunbeds and no factor cream. You will benefit in the long run. I don’t think I have stepped foot outside without factor 30-50 in the last 2 years. I pride myself that my skin is doing well for its age. So when I need a lillte bit of colour I reach into my bathroom cabinet, grab a mitt and some self tanner. One downside normally is the smell…well, keep reading ladies…this is amazing.

CoCo Brown Tanning Range

The main problem with nearly all the tanning lotions out there is the after smell. You know that rather biscuity, cooked chicken odour, and loads of you just don’t even bother with new products due to this fact. Well….hey…These products don’t have that distinctive tan smell one little bit. Not even a whiff, nothing, nada, zilch …you get me right!! It smells fresh and clean and a wonderful floral scent. Could this get any better…Yes, it’s an innovative 1 hour tan too!!

P1130318P1130295If thats not great then hear this…The range is so impressively easy and if you are new to self tanning this one will be perfect for you. Seasoned self tanners, this range just has to be purchased as I am sure you will fall head over heals for it.

The range consists of:

Tough Stuff an incredible exfoliator that whips the skin into shape before the products are applied, Its a rather great all round bathroom product too. My skin felt super soft and hydrated after using it the night before I tanned. It will get rid of stubborn old tan that has collected in areas. Your skin is constantly renewing itself so after a week you undoubtedly will always get a small bit of patchiness with any self tanner. Any company that tell you different will be just lying. But if you look after your skin and regularly moisturise and exfoliate then this will be minimal and you will hardly ever see it. Tough Stuff can be used up to 4 times a week so there is no need to ever be patchy girls.

Tan Mitt that is machine washable and will protect your pinkies from being stained. Make sure you use it with the following products listed below!

Then you have Chocolate Whip, a perfect pre tan moisturiser that is a must have. Now girls I used to be an educator and run a salon. You need to do your prep before you apply any self tanner or even when you have a professional spray tan this should be something that is done. Its the foundations and secrets of getting your tan to look REAL! Apply it on elbow, knees, hands, between fingers and toes. Not forgetting your feet, heels and any dry patches of skin. The tan will penetrate through but won’t cling to it and oxidise darker. Not a good look! Chocolate Whip is also the best product to prolong the life and the look of your tan too. The best part is that it will keep your skin fabulously hydrated and smells glorious.

Now for my favourite product from the tanning range. Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan. This dries in seconds, leaves the skin feeling smooth, non sticky and ultra fresh. I felt like my skin had actually just come out of the shower, you know that fresh feeling, all crisp and clean. This lovely mousse is 1-3 hours in dry time, with 1 hour giving you a nice caramel glow to 3 hours for a deeper richer and naturally darker looking colour. Whats more a great aspect of this product it’s a brown mousse. So you can see where you are applying it, due to it not being sticky its also perfect to apply before you go out and if you don’t wash it off your not going to even notice you have it on. Neither will anyone else, as again it smells delicious. Girls they have a travel size formula too!!

I have tried countless tanning products, trained salons and professionals and write about them constantly, I really feel the next range has very big boots to fill, if at all. I passionate about great products and this may have just encouraged me to clear out my beauty cupboard and have just one set of products.

Could this range get any better? Well yes…2 more superb products are in this range, Gentle Bronze and Lovely Legs.

Gentle Bronze is a gradual tanning product that again smells great and is brown in colour, so no messy, nasty or unsightly white patches that are not noticed until too late. This is a daily bronzer that will keep you looking a beautiful caramel shade if applied every other day or it can be applied each day and it will gradually give you a perfect naturally darker sun kissed look.

And lastly Lovely Legs is a spry on leg perfecter that will hide this nasty little imperfections we all have. How many of you have ever used a darker foundation on your legs before a night out!!?? Come no be honest, I know I have, if I need a quick leg coverage. Even in the summer months when your tan looks nice, the legs always don’t look as great as the rest of you. Shaving and waxing is to blame, so here is the remedy. If you have this in your bathroom cabinet you will have perfect legs all year round too girls or guys!! Even on those rainy days, as it’s water resistant and won’t run if caught in a sudden shower.

Guys reading this, is prefect for you gentlemen too, and no one will know, the scent of this product is universal and will blend in with any aftershave. No horrid tan smell and your secret will be safe as houses.


The 1 Hour Tan sent beauty bloggers wild when it was launched in 2013 selling out 15 weeks of stock in just 2 hours. 3 bottles fly off the shelves every single minute. This baby has also appeared in the gift bags at the Oscars, lucky celebrities.

You need not be jealous as this is the best bit I have kept till last, Cocoa Brown is available at, Superdrug stores and now Primark! For …drum roll £7.99

Hurry while stocks last!

Head over to to see the the full day in pictures along with fashion and style info. I will be doing a full article on SLB Style next week with before and after images. Ping me a little Tweet @sarahbacchus and let me know if you be purchasing it soon?

Visit the Cocoa Brown website here and Tweet them @cocoabrowntan