Aging Gracefully: 4 Health and Beauty Tips for the Elderly

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Aging is a natural process and while we cannot stop it, it is certainly possible to age gracefully and in good health, as long as certain parameters are maintained. These parameters will vary a bit from person to person of course, but there are certainly some common factors that can help anyone age beautifully and with grace. On that note, we are now going to discuss three of the essential health and beauty tips that all elders and/or their caretakers should be aware of.

Moisturization is Essential

Fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear as we age due to multiple reasons, but the drier your skin is, the more susceptible it will be to the signs of aging. Therefore, regular moisturization is a must, especially if you live in a dry or cold part of the country. Some of the essential moisturization tips are as follows:

  • Avoid soaps and use moisturizing facewashes instead
  • Don’t scrub daily and when you do, scrub gently
  • Look for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, dimethicone, glycerin, propylene glycol, urea and other water retentive agents in your cream
  • A moisturizing cream with additional ingredients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, proteins, aloe vera, etc. is preferred

Drink a Gallon of Water Every Day

The moisturization we talked about cannot only be skin deep, because we will also need to stay hydrated with a daily water intake of 2 – 3 liters. The thing about staying hydrated is that it will not just keep your skin moisturized and glowing, but the habit will also help in avoiding a number of more serious age-related health conditions. Once you look at the list below, you will realize that the frequent trips to the bathroom are worth it!

  • Better kidney and bladder health in general, with reduced chances of developing stones
  • Internally hydrated skin stays elastic even when we age, reducing the appearance of sags, swells, wrinkles and lines
  • More energy, better bowel movements, improved mood and cognitive abilities

Prepare for Emergencies

Heart attacks and cerebral strokes are common emergencies to prepare for when we start to get older, but what a lot of people do not understand or pay enough attention to is the fact that urgent and immediate medical care can make a huge difference. Go through the top rated medical alert systems and find one for yourself or the elder under your care, so that he/she can alert the emergency services and contacts in case they are in a situation that requires immediate medical attention. Some stroke patients can actually recover completely in a few months’ time if immediate care is taken and heart attacks that could have been managed easily often turn fatal due to delay in treatment. One needs to accept that a medical emergency can occur at any time and without warning as we age, so having a well-planned medical emergency system in place is not just wise but absolutely essential as well.

Lift Weights

Contrary to popular belief, it has now been established that weight training or resistance training is actually good for the elderly. It helps to retain muscle mass and also to maintain high bone density, both of which tends to decrease rapidly as we age.

Old age doesn’t necessarily have to be sedentary and boring, but in order to lead a good life even in your 60s, 70s and beyond, it is absolutely vital to take precautions before it’s too late. Thanks to modern medicine and technology, doing that is now easier than ever before, so all one really needs to do is put in a bit of effort towards it and life after retirement can be a lot of fun!