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I joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association way back in 2003 as part of the New Writers’ Scheme. I was so grateful for all the help, support and friendship I received from RNA members over the past seventeen years, I promised myself that when I no longer had a day-job, I would join the committee.

That opportunity came five years ago when I was able to wave goodbye to my job as a University lecturer and become a full-time writer.

When the committee was restructured last year, I took on the role of Educational Officer, and one area which I’m very hands-on with is the RNA chapters.

When I joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association over a decade ago, some of the first real writers I met were members of the London and South East Chapter.  I was a burbling newbie, but everyone welcomed me. They walked the stony path to publication alongside me and I now count them as close friends.

Although the RNA can appear to be all champagne, high heels and glitzy London parties the organisation’s bedrock is the 20+ chapters up and down the country. It is there that new and not so new writers can find support, encouragement, and friendships.

I felt so strongly about this that ten years ago I took on the role of Chapter liaison. Well, when I say took on the role, what I actually mean is I muscled my way into the then committee and said I  thought there needed to be someone to link with the chapters and I was willing to take on the role.

I liaise with chapters about events or workshops they might be planning, and the allocation of the Committee Annual Educational grant. I also introduce new members to their local chapter and assist anyone wanting to set up a new chapter; be that a physical, online or special interest chapters such as the Rainbow Chapter for writers who write or who are interested in LBGTQIA+ romance. I also, in conjunction with Liam, the RNA’s Diversity and Inclusion Officer, developed the chapter guidelines.

When I became chapter liaison I lived in East London so as I was just a hop, skip and a jump from most of the mainline stations in London, I set about visiting as many chapters as I could. If I made an early start, I could reach most of them in a day even the North West Chapter who meet in Southport.

Sadly, as I now live an hour outside London that is no longer possible, but I keep in regular touch with the chapters via email. And since all chapter meetings have been cancelled due to the Covid lock down, increasingly via Zoom.

Being a writer is a lonely profession, just you, your head and the computer most of the time but we need other writers. Unlike non-writing friends and loved ones when you explain to a fellow writer the problem you’re having with your heroine or plot line their eyes don’t glaze over.

In conclusion, although under the RNA umbrella, our chapters are open to RNA members and non-members alike. Therefore if any writers out there would like to find out more about an RNA Chapter near you then please email me on and I’ll point you in the right direction.  For more information about the RNA please visit

Bio: Jean was born and bred in East London where her fifteen novels are set. She is a retired nurse and university lecturer. Jean is currently writing the final book in her Ration Book Series.  In addition, she leads writing workshop and is a regular speaker at WIs, U3As and cruise ships.