Cardio Crushers: The Best Exercises For Heart Health

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Strengthening your heart is one of the best things you can do to live a long and healthy life. As you probably already know, your heart is a vital organ that supplies oxygen and essential nutrients to all parts of your body, which is why keeping it in tip top condition should be on everyone’s priority list. Leading a healthy lifestyle, keeping active and eating a nutritious diet all contribute to good cardiovascular health, and today we’ll be focusing on 6 of the best exercises that you can engage in to strengthen your heart. Read on to find out more! 

  1. Cycling 


Cardiovascular exercises don’t have to keep you constricted within the four walls of a gym or slaving it out on a treadmill. Cycling outdoors or in a park is one of the best examples of this! Cycling has been long known to be one of the best heart healthy exercises that aid in reducing the chances of high blood pressure and heart disease. Just a 30 minute hop on your bike 2-3 times a week is enough to elevate your heart rate and significantly strengthen your heart muscles. Furthermore, the average person can burn up to 300 calories in 30 minutes of cycling, resulting in weight loss that can also lighten the burden on your heart should you be a few kilos over your ideal weight. 


  1. Swimming


Swimming is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise and is also the perfect option for anyone who is suffering from joint problems which make running, cycling or walking difficult. The buoyancy water allows you to move your limbs and joints more easily through their normal range of motion and can assist in reducing the impact and stress placed on your legs, knees and arms. And of course, enrolling yourself in a water aerobics class or simply swimming laps a few times a week can offer you a full-body workout that will strengthen not only your body, but your heart. 


  1. Strength Training


Strength training has been steadily gaining popularity over the last few years and although it is often assumed to be the antithesis of cardiovascular exercises, you’ll be surprised at how beneficial it can be for your heart. Building up the other muscles in your body is a fantastic way to strengthen the heart and research has shown that those who engaged in an hour of weight training per week had a 40%-70% lower risk of heart attacks. If picking up weights isn’t your thing, fret not. One of the most effective forms of strength training is when you utilise your own body weight with exercises such as push-ups, squats and pull-ups. 


  1. Jumping Rope


Jumping rope isn’t just for kids on the playground…in fact, there is a reason that professional boxers all over the world include a jump rope in their exercise routine and training regimen. This simple yet effective exercise that can be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home is cheap, easy to do and will also give your heart a great workout. Jumping raises the heart rate up to 3 times faster than other exercises, thus providing cardiovascular benefits in a much shorter time compared to most other exercises. You learn something new everyday! 


  1. Interval Training


Interval training is a form of exercise that switches between short bursts of high intensity exercise with longer periods of recovery. This is a favourite amongst many gym goers as it is a great way of fitting in a full workout in a very short span of time. An example of interval training could be as simple as running for 1 minute, walking for 3 minutes and then repeating this pattern/cycle another 3-4 times. You don’t need any fancy equipment to engage in interval training, and the best part is it raises and lowers your heart rate  to burn calories and improve the overall function of your blood vessels.


  1. Walking


We get it, some people just don’t like sports or exercising, so if you’re one of those people, you’ll be pleased to know that the simple act of walking is a great way to boost your heart health. Most experts recommend getting in at least 10,000 steps per day which isn’t too difficult if you’re out and about most of the day. Walking can quickly raise your heart rate and is much easier on your joints than other types of exercise. The great thing is that you can do it anywhere and anytime, making it one of the most practical forms of cardiovascular exercise that anyone can think of!




Whether you choose to hit the local swimming pool a couple of times a week, go walking with a loved one or simply engage in some heart pumping high intensity workouts, regular exercise is essential to maintaining a strong and healthy heart. As always, don’t forget to consult your doctor before embarking on any new exercise routines and cheers to good health!