My Little Brother By Diane Saxon reviewed by Natalie Jayne Peeke West Country Correspondent

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It was an ordinary school day, the day I lost my little brother. One moment he was on the roundabout and then was gone. Gone. Missing.

They all blamed me. I was in charge. Even though I was only ten years old. They sent me away. The hurt, the shame, the questions. The not knowing. I tried to move on.  It’s been nineteen years in exile and now somebody wants me back.

Someone with a dark secret. They hold the keys, they know the truth.So, I need to return to the Welsh village of my childhood to find out who, because I have a secret, too…

I did something bad…

In reviewing My Little Brother I have to declare I have a very personal attachment to this book: during lockdown I attended a virtual book launch for Diane Saxon’s book ‘The Ex’. During the launch Diane revealed that some lucky attendees would have the opportunity to pick a name for a character and another would pick two random objects for her to sneak into her next book. I said to myself ‘If i get to pick a character’s name i would use my mum’s name ‘Caryn’ as she has never been able to buy things like a mug with her name on, as it is so rare.

In addition my mum spent the first half of her life spelling out her name whenever she made a appointment etc. and then when she married my dad her surname changed from Thomas to Peeke and for the last 34 years she has had to spell out her last name too. 

Lo and behold I won the chance to name a character and true to my word (all be it to myself) i chose Caryn. And as fate would have it my sister won the chance to pick two random objects. She chose darts as her husband plays darts and false teeth which is one of our memories of our great grandmother – she would keep them in a glass in her very pink bathroom and as children we found it hilarious.

You can imagine my excitment when Diane Saxon informed her readers of the book title and release date and that a Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) was available on Netgallly. I was ecstatic when my request to read it was approved.

So, now you know my life story I will progress to the review.

Diane Saxon is a sensational author and her latest book will have you on the edge of your seat because nothing is certain, except that you are questioning everything.

My Little brother is a gripping, tear jerking, nerve racking and exciting read.

The scenery is described with such empathetic detail that you are transported to the rainy valleys of Wales, and almost feel the rain. The characters are so diverse and strong but totally believable, and Saxon flawlessly includes Welsh dialect and accents which not only do not hinder, but actually contribute to the characters’ authenticity.

Diane Saxon is a natural born story-teller and this is reflected in all of her books. Reading My Little Brother reminded me of watching episodes of Johnathan Creek and Poiriot because anything could happen, and frequently did, and it makes sense. This novel is far from predictable and you will not be able to put it down until all is revealed

If you enjoy a good ‘who done it’ then this book is for you. Read it, and see if Saxon has included the false teeth, the name and darts!

My Little Brother by Diane Saxon is available from 11th July in HB, PB. Audio and eBook.