Columbia Community Association’s refurbishment has just whizzed through the supposedly unlucky13th week without mishap, how time flies.

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Sad new to open with, but a life well lived as respects are paid to Joan Nichols, former Treasurer of Columbia Community Association who has sadly passed away. ‘R.I.P. lovely lady, gone but not forgotten’, says Marion

A busy week was had by all, what with Warm Spaces, meetings, bookings and parties.  All this and the work continues on around it. But onto specifics:

                Hats from Plain and Purl                  plus           Ukraine donations from their customers

A host of knitted hats was delivered from Plain and Purl, Hazel also sent a donation that had been collected in the shop for the Ukraine appeal. ‘Their generosity is overwhelming,  what a community we live in.’ says Marion, and the Frost Magazine team has to agree. 

Lee, the joiner boxed some pipes and then up went the clock on the kitchen wall, 60 CMS of black magic Tic Toc. New window sills were fitted in the Brady Square room and in Belgravia, though the names take a bit of getting used to. As Marion told Margaret. ‘Eee Margaret they are old names really, older than either of us.’ 

Then the Council  arrived to do the yearly boiler check; and it gave pause for thought – A whole year …?  The committee could barely believe it – and so much achieved. 

Stu from MRM has made a grand job of installing our television aerial. Marion told me how grateful they were to Davey, for organising this, and for his kindness towards their community. 

Donations applenty have arrived too, a 40 in tele and DVD play donated by Norma Warburton. Red Shoes Bob picked it up. Then another 40-inch tele arrived, curtesy of Kevin Roddy along with an array of jigsaws,  There will be a tele in every room. This is what is called ‘community’, something that Frost Magazine applauds. 

Dianne, Pauline and Marion visited Alyson Chapman owner of Bells, who have donated memorabilia to the CCA. Bells of course has been a: ‘part of our lives and they will be sadly missed by us all. Good luck in your retirement.’ says Marion. 

Thursday morning Allison from ASDA called for a photo shoot as they have provided some funding for our new blinds. along with new crockery etc. Pauline is tasked with purchasing the crockery as she loves a bit of retail therapy.


Wayne Ellison called in with the money for the new Kelley signs which he said are ready for collection, and, he brought Marion, yes, Marion a jar of Honey which is produced by local Bees. 

Halloween Floral arranging using Pumpkins took place on Thursday evening It was turnips in our day Margaret – Jack Shine a Maggie – now Trick or Treat,’ whispered Marion.

Ged Parker popped in for a chat from the WASHINGTON History Society, he said he was struggling for pictures of the Prefabs that was once in Brady Square so a post was generated on Memories of Brady Square page. Fingers crossed someone out there will have some.  New fridge unpacked and from today onwards there should be a fully equipped kitchen installed. But hang on, it seems a bit of magic occurred as Friday workday rolled to an end: lo and behold the Alcohol Fairy popped something in the fridge. It left Marion hoping that little fairy  was going straight along to theirs . We’ll have to wait to see.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square