Columbia Community Association roars into Week 27 of the refurbishment with its usual flair and energy

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The team greeted Week 27 bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on all-comers and what good news the start of the week brought when up popped  Alyson Grant, like manna from heaven, as a new volunteer at the CCA. What’s more, one  who knows her way around a computer. Alyson is a Brady Square lass and everyone is over the moon to have her on board. Half the day was spent reminiscing, and Marion knew Margaret, would have been really sorry to miss the natter. Yep, Margaret is thoroughly fed up, Marion..

The lads popped in to measure the toilet floors for new flooring, courtesy of Equans. The team have decided  on sparkly ocean blue, which to Marion looks a bit grey. Is it  me or is Marion becoming a bit picky- just saying, ponders Margaret.  Marion adds hastily, and really means it: ‘But either way it is very nice.’

As a result of donations to the CCA the team is  now in a position to give something back to its beloved community. A date has now been agreed for their next FREE CPR and Defibrillator training. There are six places on offer with the lovely Nev Harris. Marion let us know that they have received an amazing response, to the extent that they are now collating a reserve list.

CCA really enjoyed Len Watson’s visit. Len is the Advice and Service Manager from Sharp.


‘It is really good to join forces in aid of offering help, advice and support to people in the community.’ said Marion. ‘Our invite for them to join us at our Coffee morning this Friday was duly accepted and we looking forward to seeing Eileen there. We have placed an order with PHIL at Di’s Diner for corned beef Pie and quiche.’

Cultural Creatives never cease to amaze with their ability to create stunning work. This week they did Sashiko, the art of Japanese mending and stitching. Apparently, Sashiko, which translates to “little stabs” in Japanese, usies only a simple running stitch which isn’t only for decoration; it also strengthens the cloth.

The Sparky was on site fitting a light in the cellar. Arghhh…  Ouchy…  First Aid was required for a cut, such a good job wor Bob was on hand to administer treatment. Everything went well, the finger lives and sadly no need for Marion to pop into her nursey outfit and stand by with scalpal.

While Equans was rewiring, entertainment went on at CCA as usual; cuppas were dispensed and chinwags enjoyed and, as has been proved over many years:  ‘Put the kettle on, Pet.’ solves many a problem – the CCA’s is always on.  There was  an impromptu visit from the Washington U3A group to see if CCA could offer at short notice a room for 1 hour. It was such a stroke of luck as CCA most certainly could. This has resulted in a possible permanent monthly booking.

Margaret, Editor of Frost Magazine was the default Chair of Thirsk U3A because no-one  voluteered. Margaret is always default, never first choice because she’s a menace, especially if there is a microphone involved: she has no shame, and won’t let go, just milks it for all she’s worth. So don’t give her an inch.

The CCA had great support for their end of the month Friday Coffee morning. New faces, good crack but photo shy, maybe next time, and as the week ended, the CCA’s work did not  what with a singing, dancing, church service with RCCG, and of course, Wargamers.

As Marion says, ‘We could do with an eight-day week at Columbia Community Association in good old Brady Square.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square