Week 28 believe it or not, in the Columbia Community Association saga, and things are roaring along

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The CCA tell Margaret that they are bursting with pride at the news that their very own Danielle Meighan has been nominated for the 17th National What’s on 4 kids National Children’s Activities Awards 2023 for her Diddi Dance. ‘Although we will all be cheering her on, Dani will always be a winner in our eyes,’ said Marion, and Frost Magazine heartily agrees – bravo Danielle.


Monday morning was kick started into the good times when Dave delivered a donation of a huge supply of tea bags, coffee and 48 bottles of water from Equans who seem to have taken CCA to their hearts. The CCA is more than grateful.

The girls from Cultural Spring, Emma, Emma and Melanie were, Marion explained, a delight to chat to. They have great plans for the future and how the CCA can work together delivering a vast array of entertainment for the benefit of the community.

Goodness, look how the CCA even train the Kiddiwinkles at the centre. Marion told Frost Magazine how Lily, who sounds a charmer,  has now started to sign in. Just as well the CCA is thinking of ordering a stock of books for the little people, though perhaps there are children locally who have outgrown theirs?


What a great sport the CCA Chair, Dianne, is. She agreed to be a model for her daughter Samantha who is working towards Level 3 make up Artistry at the National Beauty Academy. Samantha, you did a grand job. By the way,  Dianne is a huge asset to the CCA, as she is always there to lend a hand, (or face – just saying) in any situation. The makeover put Margaret in mind of the beloved Dad’s Army. ‘Don’t give them your name, Pike.’ What a sublime series.


Another piece of brilliant news: the CCA received notification that ACT, contractors for the external work on the centre, would start, and indeed they came. Hurrah. Straight down to business too.  

Yet more people visited to see if the project was running to order: Surveyors, Principle Designer, Electrical Engineer and uncle Tom Cobley and all and what with workmen arriving on the dot of eight, Piccadilly Circus has nothing on the CCA. 

Geoff, New site Manager from Equans popped in to say hello, accompanied by the lovely Tom. The team didn’t waste much time in making him feel welcome and even earmarked him for future Bob a Jobs. (Voluntary of course) Run, Geoff, run while you can. 


‘All activities within the centre are operating as normal and everyone is absolutely delighted with progress,’ Marion reports, but …

Oh no, Dom.  Oh, really Dom? The shame. Whatever made you think for one moment you would get away with it, while sleuth Miss Marple – sorry, Miss Marion Taylor, was on cupboard patrol? She, with a nose for chocolate biscuits like no other, discovered your hidden hoard.  A huge FAIL bonny lad. All choccy biscuits gone now. Enjoyed by many. (Only joking. They wouldn’t dare – they know you would test for fingerprints).  Everyone, we present the evidence…

So, another brilliant week for the Columbia Community Association. Bring on next weeks fun, frolics and sheer hard work. 

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

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