Week 31 of the CCA refurbishment and the centre is looking ready for a great deal of action…

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The Columbia Community Association team had a welcome surprise last Saturday when the scaffolders arrived in force. Happy to work round the centre’s buzzing day the blokes got down to it and in no time the scaffolding was secure with all H & S aspects adhered to. Without a pause the team were then up and at it, delivering letters to their neighbours apprising them of the up coming situation.

Of course, within the four walls  the business of the week continued without pause, with the MBC amazing everyone as usual with their fantastic ceramic creations; bird feeders. Most appropriate as Spring is ‘just around the corner.’ Margaret was tempted to sing it for you, but how unkind that would be. Not content with MBC, Cultural Creatives were also strutting their stuff. The team is in awe of all this talent operating under their roof. Frost Magazine is pretty impressed too. Even the dads joined in!

Jim Benson, Principal Designer (H & S) nipped in to see how things are progressing, and the lovely Pam Telfer popped in to collect some computer cartridges. Meanwhile the bloke with the Red Shoes, Bob, shredded paper for the hampers Marion intends to make and raffle for the Ukrainian appeal. She has posted on social media asking for food donations, knowing that her community never lets them down, and sure enough, donations are coming in. But more very very welcome.

Marion was thrilled to see the roofer here at the crack of dawn during the week, and work was well under way on the Air Raid shelter roof. All the while, within the centre, the good fun continued, with a birthday pary and disco, not to mention the quizzes and laughter on Wednesday. Lord, so many eggheads, and clearly thinking is thirsty work. Tea! I mean. No gin in sight.

The Warm Spaces users were all eager to take part in the anonymous Sunderland City Council surveys, the results of which will be analysed, responses identified and future WS projects developed accordingly to meet all needs.

Aimee and her dancers were using the school holidays to get some extra tuition time and Marion can’t get over how they invent new shapes with their bodies.

On Thursday, morning meetings filled all rooms, though the afternoon belonged to the Forever Young ladies, with their homemade scrumptious cakes, and Bingo. Linda told Marion she was going to give the standup bingo a try. More the merrier, and each of these events are certainly merry and fun filled.

Meanwhile, Red Shoes Bob was still shredding, and Marion was filling boxes, seven finished so far, but there is a real problem sourcing boxes. Melanie, who has just taken delivery of her Scentsy order provided a few, and to Marion’s utter delight, even it must be said, hysterical delight (pull yourself together, pet) Christine Thirlaway from the local store sent hubby Graham to deliver a massive donation of gorgeous food. ‘Another Brady Square lass who never lets the community down,’ says Marion.

As always, there was the food to order for the Friday coffee morning: mince pie, quiche, double cream… and Phil told Marion his cook Claire has a big surprise for us. Di’s Diner is really so good to the CCA and it is VERY much appreciated.  Phil has even promised to sell some raffle tickets for the CCA – ‘Now that’s what community is all about,’ says Marion who wanted Frost Magazine to make clear that the Apple turnovers were delicious and barely saw the light of day.

Frost Magazine thought it interesting that Chris Todd, of Sunderland College, slipped in during the week to explain that he would like to offer a variety of training to the community. Marion, of course, bit off his hand, and asked for more details. When she has them you will be told.

Equans have just delivered a new 600 wall unit for the office; ‘Thank you so much we are delighted, Liam,’ said Marion, explaining to Margaret that Liam is the easy on the eye joiner though Margaret remembers that fact very well. After today the team can store their files away. Well, let’s rephrase that: they can once the decorating is done, the new flooring down, blinds are up… But the important thing is that the CCA is definitely ‘getting there’.

It sounds as though it was a manic week, but as Marion says again and again,  it is great fun, and she’ll be back on Monday, batteries charged, and ready for the fray.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square