The Columbia Community Association roars into week 32 – where do they get their energy?

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It was another  packed start to the week: first a meeting with ACT contractors, to see how things are progressing and to iron out a few wrinkles. The inside of the Air Raid shelter  is still causing some difficulty as it is full of water. The cameras needed to go down to see if it has an underlying problem, or decide if this water is a result of the roof which is now repaired. The CCA’s own Bear Grylls (Richard the surveyor) went down to investigate.

Cultural Creatives were at the Centre as per usual with their with their amazing skills, which are being honed to perfection, and the great news is that they have booked a further 10-week course. This of course, is the whole reason for CCA, to provide courses and amenities for the community.

David Laidlaw visited from Sunderland College to discuss a variety of training, and he has been  invited along to the Friday coffee morning which he accepted. Oh, David, David, be prepared to loosen that belt, because the food is quite sublime and takes no prisoners, or so warns Frost Magazine. Marion told Margaret he even downloaded copies of  the Magazine.

Equans held their weekly meeting which goes without saying, but what has to be shouted loud and clear is that:

Ten Hampers are now complete and Woodridge Gardens which is adjoined to Di’s Diner have allowed the CCA to put up a table. CCA sent six over and have kept four at the centre, and the lovely Phil is in charge of selling the tickets. Let’s hope they sell well as the proceeds are to go the Ukrainian Fund Appeal.  Tuesday brings a new group to the CCA who are delighted to be able to help Washington Clean and Green Steering Group.
Excellent news arrived early in the week … The CCA have been successful in their application for funding for Solar Panels. It transpires that CCA knew verbally but dare not “Shout it from the rooftops” until  it was it in writing. ‘Watch this space folks, date of installation still to be confirmed.‘ said Marion.
The lads from ACT arrived mid week  to pump the water from the Air Raid shelter. The team were agog to see what size buckets would be used, but there were no buckets, and therefore no holes in the buckets dear Liza, dear Liza – a Bilge Pump was used and it was drained in no time at all. How long will it last is the question?

There was an impromptu visit from Richard AKA Bear Grylls, who, in no time at all was  up the ladder checking the roof then on his way to his next port of call. It is very comforting to know that he is ensuring things are heading in the right direction.

Naughty but thoughtful Phil arrived with the most fantastic cakes which he had made; Peach Melba, Apple and Caramel both covered in fresh cream. Marion told Margaret that they were delicious, it would have been so rude to refuse, though she did share with Arthur the painter who was cock a hoop.

Ray and Joy, two of CCA’s  lovely volunteers did a great job entertaining the guests at Wednesday’s Warm Spaces. Huge fun was had by all with the quizzes especially enjoyed. Judith even brought in a picture quiz that she had devised and a luxury box of biscuits to share, which was a wonderful gesture.

Delivery of a further 90 hats  arrived from Plain and Purl, Sister Mary is sure to be overjoyed, Snow is forecast next week but the Seafarers will be snug as a bug in these fantastic hats.

The CCA and Frost Magazine would like to wish wor Bob a happy birthday, (he states 21 AGAIN plus VAT and he is humoured) The CCA really do not know what they would do without him, and Margaret concurs, because each time she has visited, he is there for everyone.  The ladies call him “Barista” as he keeps them topped up at the coffee mornings. Frost Magazine calls him ‘Red Shoes Bob,’ which he has learned to answer to, (indeed he has) and, quite frankly, Bob is   is everyone’s friend.

Marion declares, on behalf of everyone, that ‘We all love our Building Supervisor very much, he is a man with a heart of gold, a national treasure, and puts up with Margaret when she visits!’ To which Dick nods, thinking – above and beyond, Bob. Above and beyond.’

Margaret merely wishes her Red Shoes friend a very very happy birthday! So very there.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square