Why You Should Shake Up Your Exercise Regime

fitnessenergySo Easter as come and gone. If you are anything like me you ate too much. So now it is time to hit the gym again and start behaving. But we all know that exercising can be hard and boring. That is why you want results from your workout.

I know it is not known for burning a lot of calories, but I love walking. On days that I don’t workout I always try to fit in a walk. It is very good for you and your circulation.

Functional training does whole body training and conditioning. Whether using slings or blackpacks it will condition your body into the dress size you want, and also up your fitness level. Far from being something that will just help you burn a few calories, it will also build up your muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat.

Zumba is another favourite of mine. It may be the new craze that everyone is doing but don’t discount it as a fad. I did dance in drama school and I love a reason to just dance around. It burns an amazing amount of calories too. Something like 400-500 per hour.

The Tracey Anderson Method is famous among celebrities. Gwyneth Paltrow (who is in business with Tracey) and Jennifer Lopez are fans. I have the DVDs and although the cardio workout is too hard to follow for some people, the mat workout is really good at toning the body. It is not for wimps though. Tracey likes people to do her method for an hour six days a week. That is quite a commitment.

I have been on a bit of a fitness kick and will shortly be doing a serious of articles on how I am getting along. So keep reading and also join in by letting us know about your fitness regime.

What is your favourite exercise? What are you doing to get in shape? Let us know.