Why You Should Shake Up Your Exercise Regime

fitnessenergySo Easter as come and gone. If you are anything like me you ate too much. So now it is time to hit the gym again and start behaving. But we all know that exercising can be hard and boring. That is why you want results from your workout.

I know it is not known for burning a lot of calories, but I love walking. On days that I don’t workout I always try to fit in a walk. It is very good for you and your circulation.

Functional training does whole body training and conditioning. Whether using slings or blackpacks it will condition your body into the dress size you want, and also up your fitness level. Far from being something that will just help you burn a few calories, it will also build up your muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat.

Zumba is another favourite of mine. It may be the new craze that everyone is doing but don’t discount it as a fad. I did dance in drama school and I love a reason to just dance around. It burns an amazing amount of calories too. Something like 400-500 per hour.

The Tracey Anderson Method is famous among celebrities. Gwyneth Paltrow (who is in business with Tracey) and Jennifer Lopez are fans. I have the DVDs and although the cardio workout is too hard to follow for some people, the mat workout is really good at toning the body. It is not for wimps though. Tracey likes people to do her method for an hour six days a week. That is quite a commitment.

I have been on a bit of a fitness kick and will shortly be doing a serious of articles on how I am getting along. So keep reading and also join in by letting us know about your fitness regime.

What is your favourite exercise? What are you doing to get in shape? Let us know.


With the summer sun – and that longed-for beach break – now tantalisingly close at hand, our thoughts are turning to shedding the cosy winter layers and honing what’s been hiding underneath.

But if achieving that fabulous bikini body means losing a few extra pounds, it’s a relief to know even the smallest of changes can make a massive difference to your shrinking waistline.  Nutritionists agree that despite the popularity of diets such as the Dukan, Atkins and GI, the only path to long-term weight loss is to adjust diet and lifestyle to ensure you eat fewer calories than your body uses.

Clare Grace, research dietician at the Queen Mary University of London reports: “Weight gain occurs when the number of calories eaten is greater than the number used by the body.” In fact, to gain, and therefore lose 1lb in weight, you’ll need to eat – or avoid – an extra 3,500 calories.

Sounds like a challenge, but it needn’t be.  Cutting back or burning off an extra 100 calories a day could help you lose 10lb a year, so just a couple of changes to your daily diet could see you beach-ready and bikini fit in time for the summer!

Five easy calorie crunchers

1.    Oranges and lemons – It makes for a refreshing start to the day, but that glass of orange juice packs a calorific punch with around 110kcals for a 250ml glass. Shave 100 calories from your morning tipple by replacing orange juice with a blend of PLj Lemon Juice and water (£2.29 for 500ml from Sainsbury’s and Waitrose).  At less than 7kcals per glass, it also delivers 75% of the RDA of vitamin C in every serving so makes good sense all round!

2.    Banish the biscuit tin – It probably comes as no surprise, but biscuits are crammed with calories – just two Hobnobs clock up a whopping 142kcals!  For a more nutritious snack with your cuppa, nibble on a kiwi fruit and a Satsuma.  At 14kcals and 18kcals a piece, you’ll be laughing all the way to a lower dress size.

3.    Keep things open – Providing the filling is relatively healthy, a good wholesome sandwich can make for a tasty, filling meal.  To save on the calorie content, think Scandinavian and opt for an ‘open sandwich’, using one slice of bread rather than two.  It’ll save you around 100kcals, and if substituted with a healthy side salad and fat-free dressing, will be just as satisfying!

4.    Season for the season – Rather than smothering steamed vegetables with lashings of butter, sprinkle them with lemon juice and fresh herbs for a delicate, fat-free and calorie-crushing flavour.

5.    Winning with wine – At the end of a long day, there’s nothing quite like an evening tipple.  Every 250ml glass of wine delivers 185kcals, so opting for a small glass (89kcals for 120ml) or better still, a gin and slimline tonic (56kcals for a single serving) will help you to continue the saving.

It’s not just about cutting calories from your daily diet though – you can also make a difference by moving more throughout the day to speed up your calorie burning potential.

Five easy calorie consumers

1.    Be a mean cleaner – Throw yourself into a 20-minute cleaning frenzy of vacuuming, scrubbing, mopping or tidying, should see you burn off around 100kcals.

2.    Go the extra mile – Walk a mile further than you normally would every day and you’ll clock up a 100kcal deficit.  Running the mile will burn the same – you’ll just complete the mile a little more quickly!

3.    Window shop – Take yourself off for a 40 minute shopping spree at lunchtime and burn 100kcals while you’re at it!

4.    Dig it – Digging and raking reap the biggest benefits in terms of calorie burning in the garden – just 15 minutes could see you 100kcals down.

5.    Ironing out – Work up a sweat with the ironing pile!  Just 25 minutes of enthusiastic ironing could see you burn 100kcals!

Let’s talk about fat baby.

I bet your entire years wages that if I asked you what fat was, you would say “It’s that horrible blubber around my belly, waist, hips and legs. The stuff that causes heart disease, the stuff that makes us unfit and unattractive and certainly what makes people look at me horribly and call me names”.

In just a few seconds, I just made millions! However, I will make you a deal that you can keep your money for now if you sit back and forget everything you think you know and everything you have been told by the press, seen on TV and seen advertised by companies who are not out to help you but to lie and take your money. Sit back, read this, take it in and get ready for a reality check and slap around the face.

Fat is not a bad thing and in truth we need it to live. The word ‘fat’ has been criminalized by the press and certain companies. Fats and oils belong to a family of organic compounds known as Lipids and are necessary for the following and more:

formation of virtually all cell membranes
formation of myelin sheath within the nervous system
protection of internal organs
fuel source during lower intensity work loads
storage of energy within the adipose tissue

Did you hear that? It’s a MAJOR SOURCE OF ENERGY and in truth the best form of it. The three types of fat we are told and recognize are saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. So, which is the bad one? If you said saturated fat, I’m afraid you are wrong. You only think its saturated fat because you are told so by the media but let me explain…

Most dietary lipids (fat) are made up of chains of carbon atoms joined at the side by other atoms, most commonly hydrogen. The more or equal amount of hydrogen to carbon equals the density of the fat. So saturated fats are full with hydrogen cells, which mean it is formed in straight lines and is solid at room temperatures. Good sources of saturated fats are good quality meats, organic dairy, eggs, butter, coconut oil and palm oil-natural foods.

We then have monounsaturated fat – the structure of atoms in this type of fat is missing an hydrogen cell, therefore the two hydrogen cells at either side of the missing atom are pulled together creating a double bond (not two James Bond’s thank you!) and because of this, the fat is not as solid in room temperature. Examples are olives and olive oils (which shouldn’t be used to cook with as heating it breaks the atoms, makes it rancid and turns to trans-fat and should only be used as a dressing) lard, beef dripping, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Last on our list is polyunsaturated fat – these fats have more missing hydrogen atoms and therefore more hydrogen bonds are pulling together creating more double bonds and making it less solid at room temperature. These include the Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (which are good for you) and are mostly found in fish.

So saturated fat is not the evil that it is made out to be. It is vital to our bodies to hold itself together, pass on information in the nervous system, protect us and fuel us. But here is the trick….we are told [some healthy spreadable margarine’s] have no or very little saturated fat and high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. How so when how are they solid at room temperatures? It is because the product goes through a long and awful process of heating to pump in more hydrogen atoms to make it more… saturated (cue Scooby-do shock music) which makes it solid at room temperatures. However, during this process some of the double bonds that remain turn into a wax substance and become TRANS-FATS (the true evil).

Although you are told the bad fats have been taken out, it has in fact been creating the stuff that causes most of our problems.

So how do you avoid and eat the right types of fat? Simple, use you’re noggin (brain) and eat good quality foods and cuts of meat (yes you can eat the fatty bits) and try to use organic as much as possible. Avoid things that are pre-made (such as ready meals), man-made and fooled around with like white breads, white rice and white pasta. All of which is a great start…

Now cholesterol, do you know what it is? Probably not! So again, listen up.

Cholesterol is just like fat in terms of requiring it to live. Actually, so much so that if we don’t take in enough dietary cholesterol our bodies can make 75-80% of its own supply. Shock horror! … we are told to cut down on its intake yet our bodies are making it!

Again here’s the breakdown. Cholesterol is a vital compound that of cell membranes, synthesis of bile acid and vitamin D and more. It is carried around our bodies by lipoproteins (think of them as taxis) and the two main types we are told of are LDL (low density lipoproteins = bad) and HDL (high density lipoproteins = good) which are actually both good for us as they both have a job to do, to help us. The LDL transports cholesterol to where it needs to be so it can be used. HDL transports excess cholesterol that doesn’t need to be used at that time back to the liver. The problem starts if there is far more LDL’s around that the HDL’s can’t carry. If this is the case, then it is left and builds up and it this that leads to illnesses such as chronic heart disease, think of it as too many taxis and not enough parking spaces. the taxis all build up blocking the road as they wait to park. So, cholesterol is not a bad thing and again we need it to live. We just don’t need so much LDL and this can be avoided but not consuming the foods that are mainly man or factory processed made and just basically junk.

Now a final test of your knowledge! Who thinks calories are bad? Hmmm…SIT DOWN…

Calories, like fats and cholesterol are a necessity to our lives. It is an energy source and we need it to live and function. We burn calories when we move and we need and burn calories when we digest our food. Calories are an energy source but to release that energy, vitamins and minerals are required.

If the calories (or the food that we are eating and taking the calories from) has no or very little vitamins and minerals, then it cannot be broken down and therefore sits there and will slowly build up more and more like bricks and concrete.

When people are told to “calorie count” are they being advised to eat the correct type of foods that has what is needed to break down and use the energy? HELL NO. They are told to BUY a franchised ready meal from people who will get filthy rich but not about empty-calories and fuel sources.

I’m giving you information for free. I am a personal trainer [and my services are available] but right now I am telling you the simple truth that they don’t want you to know and am making no money from it!

The best way to stay healthy and to burn fat (as an energy source) is to eat correctly and move more. Avoid low quality meats, battery farmed eggs, UHT or processed dairy products, meat pies and pre-packed meals, overcooking meals, white sugar breads, rice, pasta flour, cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, cordials, cheap fruit juice, margarines, hydrogenated or partly hydrogenated fats, cheap plant oils (esp. rapeseed), soybean, corn, sunflower and LOW CAL OIL SPRAY (I mean what the hell!)…

Try to take in more fresh quality fish and meats, organic meats, free range eggs (cook slow and at low temp), wholegrain products, fresh in season fruit and veg, home baking (so you know what the ingredients are), organic butter, coconut and palm oil.

I’m not saying you can’t have treats guys! I was raised in the body building culture and as a competitive fighter I know how horrendous diets can be. But this is not a diet, it’s a change and hopefully now an educating experience where you can make the right choice but also you can treat yourself to the lush stuff at times.

Be more natural with your foods (that includes saturated fat) less pre-packed, ready-made rubbish and move more. Move as much of your body, as much as you can as often as you can and you will feel the difference.

Only the brave can make this choice and stick with it, and I’m with you all the way.

Follow Seb on Twitter @sebmorganfit where you can contact him regarding personal training and health advice.