Do You Know Where Your Diamond Originated From?

arcticcircleYou can be rest assured when purchasing a piece of ethical diamond jewellery from Arctic Circle that it is produced in the most environmentally friendly mining area of the world.  A Canadian company adhering to world-leading environmental standards, protecting wildlife, water, air and earth while mining in Canada’s North, Arctic Circle’s policies are among the most rigorous in the industry, cherishing the landscape and the wildlife as much as the diamonds, which is as refreshing as the clarity of the fabulous jewellery collection.

The company can verify where each diamond is sourced and each stone is given a unique identity number which is laser-etched on the girdle with a maple leaf, this number stays with the diamond forever and the ‘birth certificate’ is available to view on their website.

The brand’s first UK stockist is TH Baker in Brighton and will also be rolled out to Dipples in Norwich, Allum & Sidaway, Wakefields of Horsham, Green + Benz, Judith Hart of Derby, Wright & Sons in St.Albans and Matthew Stephens in Limerick during October and November, aiming to be in 12 to 15 stores by the end of this year.  Prices start at around £1,500.