Actress and model Danielle Lineker spearheads Four Paws campaign

Actress and model Danielle Lineker spearheads Four Paws campaign to ban battery cages for farmed rabbits in the UK

Up to 1 million rabbits are often confined in tiny cages before being slaughtered

Danielle Lineker is spearheading a Four Paws animal charity campaign to ban battery cages for farmed rabbits in the UK.

Many people in Britain are completely unaware that so many rabbits are suffering in terrible conditions before they end up in a pet food tin or on a dinner plate. Farmed rabbits are being kept in barren cages in similar conditions to factory farmed battery hens. Hundreds of rabbits may be housed in rows of tiny wire cages in windowless sheds. They have little room to move, no daylight and usually nothing to chew or gnaw on except the bars of the cage. The boredom and stress can lead to the development of abnormal repetitive behaviours and the wire flooring can cause painful sores on the rabbits’ feet. This is the everyday life for some rabbits kept in battery cages across Britain. Barren cages for hens will be illegal from 2012 but there are currently no such plans to end their use for rabbits.

A FOUR PAWS investigation has exposed the hidden truth behind farmed rabbit battery cages in the UK. Investigators visited several UK farms and were shocked by what they found – cramped, dark, inadequate housing systems where animals are kept hidden away.

It’s estimated that between 250 000 and one million rabbits are reared for meat in the UK each year. However, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) does not publish any statistics on rabbit farming, and there is no commercial body representing the UK rabbit farming industry, so accurate data is currently not available.

Danielle Lineker and Four Paws are calling on the Government to phase out the keeping of farmed rabbits in cages and to lift the veil of secrecy that surrounds the UK rabbit farming industry. Four Paws wants key statistics and information made publicly available. Four Paws is very concerned that rabbit factory farming is continuing to grow in the UK.

Actress and model Danielle Lineker says: “It’s Rabbit Awareness Week so let’s do all we can to help these beautiful and intelligent creatures by supporting a campaign that helps to protect them from suffering. It’s appalling that rabbits on UK farms are imprisoned in these barren wire cages that fail to meet even their most basic welfare needs. Rabbits need freedom of movement and opportunities to express natural behaviours such as foraging for food and digging in the earth. Rabbits are popular companion animals and most people would be horrified to learn that these gentle creatures are being kept in these conditions. I support a call to ban all battery cages for UK farmed rabbits.”

Angelique Davies, Head of Programs at Four Paws, said: “Many people would be shocked to learn that rabbits can legally be kept in tiny barren cages that severely restrict their movement and natural behaviour. Legal protection for farmed rabbits is woefully inadequate. British people feel strongly about animal welfare and we believe the majority of people would agree that keeping rabbits in cramped barren cages can no longer be tolerated. We must join together in calling on the Government to end the keeping of farmed rabbits in cages.”