Andy Serkis to star in 'Rise of the Apes' {Film}

According to this tweet from 20th Century Fox, Any Serkis is donning the motion capture suit to portray some sort of evil super intelligent ape.

He’s been cast as the ringleader of the Apes, Ceaser, filling Roddy McDowell’s shoes (from 1972’s Conquest of the Planet of the Apes). According to the website, the story is set “in present day San Francisco, the film is a reality-based cautionary tale, a science fiction/science fact blend, where man’s own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.”

Although the premise of the film is set against the scientific community and in particular those researching a cure for Alzheimers, lets take a moment to think about the work they are doing to benefit people who are suffering…and donate.

Artwork from Paul Cemmick, IMDb page