Pale Green Dot Start Fresh Fruit and Veg Box Home Delivery Initiative

veg delivery, fruit and veg delivery, food delivery, coronavirus, COVID-19, fruit, veg, vegetables, London, delivery, food delivery, Pale Green Dot supply the finest quality fresh, seasonal and local produce to some of London and the South East’s finest restaurants year round. In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, with so many restaurants sadly having to close for the foreseeable, their premium quality fruit and veg is now available for the public to order for themselves to be delivered straight to their door.


The quality of produce is sensational, and allows  members of the public to avoid supermarket shopping, perusing empty shelves and bringing home simply whatever might be left available.  The Essential Fresh Produce Box (£12.50) includes traditional root veg (onions, swede, beetroot, carrots, potatoes), leaves and green veg (salad bag, Savoy/Tundra cabbage, leeks), coloured veg (peppers, vine tomatoes, aubergines) and local fruit (apples, pears). The Veg and Staples Box (£20) includes all of the above as well as milk, bread and eggs as well. Boxes can be delivered as a one off or even weekly.

“We are getting amazing quality fresh farm produce to people in their homes at an affordable price.  We’re so proud to be doing our bit to keep British farmers and our Pale Green Dot family in work whilst supplying the public with fantastic quality produce at this time.” says Jo Farish from Pale Green Dot

 With supermarkets running low on fresh produce as it is, this new initiative gives people a fantastic opportunity to stay healthy and nourished with restaurant quality fruit and veg at a fair price.  As well as this, the initiative also gives security to their farmers who at this time may feel incredibly anxious about supply and demand in the hospitality industry.

Thanks to this initiative, the farmers and growers who work for and with Pale Green Dot have new clientele through these times to keep business going until things return to normal and supply can begin again for the hospitality industry.  As well as growing and farming, Pale Green Dot employees are also helping to deliver these fresh produce boxes around London and the South East to those who aren’t just running low on fresh supplies but also those who cannot leave their homes at this time.

Orders can be made via the website.  Pale Green Dot aims to deliver boxes by the next working day but of course delivery times will be determined by demand and capacity during these unprecedented times.

To keep minds at ease, Pale green Dot are implementing the highest safety and hygiene standards across the board when it comes to both packaging and delivering in order to prevent the spread of the virus.


Orders can be made via this link –