Review: Plantzilla {TV Review}

UK PREMIERE & HD SIMULCAST / MONDAY 21ST JUNE AT 9PM   National Geographic Channel

I am a life-long fan of National Geographic so I apologise if the review seems biased in any way. Based on a film by Volker Artz and Immanuel Birmelin, Plantzilla is a fascinating and stimulating documentary on the life of Plants. It’s hard to watch a National Geographic documentary and not marvel at the wonders of nature. From the White collared pitcher plant in Borneo which can eat 6,000 insects in an hour ( would like it in my house frankly, no more insect problems!) to the Tobacco plants that attract Hawk moth caterpillars,that then devour their own body weight in tobacco, before the plant calls in the cavalry and it’s eaten by a Big eyed bug.

Although you learn so much watching this documentary it is never boring. Although slightly icky.
The camera work is amazing. The work that is put in, astounding. I now know all about the parenting skills of certain plants. Dandy Lions pack their kids off using the wind. The Squirting cucumber squirts them out at a fast intensity – it looks like an explosion. Then there is the wine grower that plays his plants classical music. This documentary has change the way I look at plants. They think, feel and smell. And if the scientists at New York University have anything to do with it, they will soon be talking too.

Voice Over Bill Paterson, a regular, is as good as ever. A great way to spend an evening in.

Wouldn’t it be great if houseplants could tell us when they needed feeding? Well students in New York have come a step closer, by putting sensors in potted plants so that they can literally phone home to ask for a drink! Such a system could be used in vineyards around the world to help with crop yields and is just one of the secrets revealed by scientists and experts in this absorbing film. Plants have thrived on Earth for millions of years and their remarkable sensory capabilities have helped them prosper – both as self-defence experts and resourceful predators. From the amazing acacia, which mobilises armies of ants to protect itself, to the carnivorous plants which use a range of sneaky tactics to ensnare their unsuspecting prey, find out how plants battle against the odds to continue their journey through life. Also featuring a look at the rise of human intervention and the potential impact of new technology on the future of farming, this captivating programme offers an insight into the unknown side of flora.