NHS 'Letting Patients Die to Save Cash' Says Official Report

A report by the Co-operation and Competition Panel (CCP), an independent watchdog that advises the NHS, claims that NHS managers are deliberately delaying operations, hoping that patients will die or go private in a ‘callous’ attempt to cut their budgets.

The report says that health service trusts will be ‘likely to impose greater pain and inconvenience’ by making those in need of care wait longer than necessary for surgery, the official report found.

By making patients wait for as long as four months, it is hoped they will remove themselves form the list ‘either by dying or by paying for their own treatment’.

NHS bosses are having to make £20billion of savings by 2014. The panel’s report claims unfair practices are ‘endemic’ in areas of England.

CCP chairman Lord Carter of Coles said: ‘Commissioners have a difficult job in the current financial climate, but patients’ rights are often being restricted without a valid and visible reason.’ 

Katherine Murphy, of independent charity the Patients Association, said: ‘It is outrageous that some primary care trusts are imposing minimum waiting times.

‘The suggestion that it could save money because patients will remove themselves from the list by going private or dying is a callous and cynical manipulation of people’s lives and should not be tolerated.’ 

The Health Secretary, Andrew Lansely has spoken out and accused NHS managers of risking lives by making patients wait longer for treatment in a ‘cynical’ bid to save money. Lansley said the report showed why the NHS needed to be reformed.

‘This is exactly why we need to put patients’ interests first,’ he said. ‘Too many primary care trusts have been operating in a cynical environment where they can game the system – and in which political targets, particularly the maximum 18-week waiting time target, are used to actually delay treatment.

Care services minister Paul Burstow said: ‘This report illustrates exactly why we need to modernise the NHS and increase choice for patients.’