Josephine Tey’s Brat Farrar, reviewed by Evonne Wareham

A classic from 1949 by an acclaimed novelist and playwright, this is an impostor story loosely based on a Victorian cause célèbre – The Titchbourne Claimant. A long lost heir, presumed dead, emerges to inherit a fortune. It is made clear to the reader from the start that Brat is a fake, but Tey manages to sustain sympathy and support for him despite this. Alongside a portrayal of loneliness and the desire of an orphan to find a family and to belong, a slow burning mystery unfolds. What exactly did happen the night thirteen year old Patrick  Ashby disappeared, leaving an ambiguous suicide note? Who is Brat and what is his real relationship to the Ashby family? An unusual crime story, displaying attitudes of its time – including to horse training – which can jar, it is still an absorbing portrayal of a lost age and an intriguing crime that would no longer be possible with modern DNA techniques.


Isabelle Broom’s The Getaway, reviewed by Jane Cable

I was drawn to this book because it is set in Croatia, as my September release is, so I was very curious to read it. Plus lovely Isabelle sent my a copy.

This is such a good holiday read and the descriptions of the island of Hvar are mouth-watering. At the beginning of the book Kate crashes and burns in the most public fashion, so decides to disappear to Croatia where her brother and his partner are about to open a hostel. The Getaway is about her recovery, and how she grows into an even stronger person in this beautiful place, surrounded by supportive people.

There is humour, there is romance and there is drama. But I won’t say any more because I would love you to read this gorgeous book for yourselves.


Mhairi McFarline’s Last Night, reviewed by Carol Thomas

I have greatly enjoyed each of Mhairi McFarlane’s previous novels and this was no exception. She has a fast-paced, economic style that makes for page-turning entertainment; no sentence is wasted as her astute talent for observation shines through. (Within the pages of her novels there are always sentences I wish I had said – or written – that sum up a moment, feeling or action perfectly!)

With relatable characters, struggling to cope in the wake of a loss, Last Night is emotional, witty and thought provoking. The story had me hooked, and the possible romance kept me guessing, even as I headed towards the final chapters and the very satisfying ending. With the theme of loss and mention of dementia this story is a little darker than McFarlane’s previous novels, but those aspects are grounded in reality and balanced perfectly with lighter moments. Last Night is a thoroughly enjoyable read.


Anita Shreve’s The Stars Are Fire, reviewed by Angela Petch

Set in the immediate post-war years, this is a fascinating glimpse into the life of an ordinary young mother of two young children trapped in a difficult marriage. In 1947, the woman’s place was in the home and the thought of years stretching endlessly ahead with a man mentally scarred, turned cruel by the war, is grim.

The title is beautiful, taken from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, summarising the story perfectly: “Doubt that the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth not move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt that I love.”

Aptly-named Grace is mostly accepting of her fate but when a fire ravages through her hometown, her husband, a volunteer fireman disappears and Grace’s life opens up.

Written in present tense, Grace and her plight feel very immediate. It’s a short book by usual standards, but perfectly formed and I am now a huge fan of this writer.