Kizzy’s Cookies Vegan Cookies Review

At the risk of sounding like an old woman; food just isn’t like it used to be. Pesticides, preservatives, GM crops…the list of horrible chemicals and stupid farming tactics seems to grow by the day. You now have to pay more money to eat natural food without all of the nasty chemicals in them. I love organic food. I also love vegan food, small businesses and anyone taking on the food giants. These are all things we support at Frost Magazine: environmentalism and good, natural food.

Which is why Kizzy’s Cookies might go in our hall of fame. These classic chocolate chip cookies are vegan. They are freshly baked and made from scratch without preservatives or chemicals. While some organic and vegan things lack flavour, Kizzy’s Cookies are the best cookies I have ever tasted in my life and our other writers agreed. They also taste fresh and pure. You can really taste the difference.

I predict, and hope for, big things from Kizzy’s Cookies. Frost loves….
