Making Space For a New Baby.

Checking off all the boxes to prepare for the arrival of your new little one is extremely important. Selecting your baby’s name is always a priority but can be a tough choice. A name that has meaning behind it can be special to you and your baby. French names have been known to have a unique meaning behind them and are very popular. Naming your boy or girl with a French baby name is sure to imbue them with innate style, grace and elegance. After you have picked a name, it is time to focus on getting your house in order to prepare for the pending arrival of your new baby.

Buy toy boxes and teach your children to put things in the boxes. The boxes can be stackable and plastic, or a toy chest. Whatever suits you and your life works. I try to put things away by category, all trains in one box etc. This invariably ends up with a few toys mixed up but you can but try.

Regular charity shop trips. I find keeping a charity shop bag or box around helps. Anytime your child grows out of a toy, or moves on to something else, put it in. I also put duplicates in. Sometimes your child will be given the same kind of present. They do not need three tea sets!

If I learnt anything about keeping a tidy house it is to have  good storage options. I recommend using Now Storage self storage. Packing things up and putting them into storage is a great option. Some things cannot be parted with and other things you will need in the future.

Clothes are a special thing. Even when my children grow out of their clothes I find it hard to part with them. I get emotional and have even cried when getting rid of their baby clothes, it is embarrassing to admit. It is important to store clothes properly, otherwise they end up mouldy or moth-ridden. I use vacuum bags. They keep out moisture and insects. Perfect!

What are your storage tips?

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